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Engaged Sweeper II

Does Lansweeper support GMSA / group managed service accounts for scanning? we want to secure the service accounts and have as little permissions as possible. 

I'm aware of the lspush and agent but it doesnt cover all our current scenarios and GMSA would if its possible to use them. 

Lansweeper Tech Support
Lansweeper Tech Support

Hello ITman999, 
Below you can find a post in which we provided feedback on this. It is a post from 2023, but this actually still stands.
In the meantime, we launched our new scanner. However, the feature you requested still needs to be implemented. 
It is still on our roadmap to implement it, but unfortunately, it is not on the short-term planning for now. We are evaluating whether we can add it later this year. The investigation is still ongoing.

Engaged Sweeper II

hi, is there meant to be a link or something? 

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