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Engaged Sweeper


I would like hear and share ideas how to use Lansweeper features to support usage of tool by means of gamification.

My ideas and questions:

  • Track which user has most discovered assets/used scanners
  • Data quality validation, has all the necessary field been filled (asset owner, location, etc.)?
  • Has certain type of assets been discovered (modems, gateways, software)
  • How to report/track user actions?

Would it be feasible to use reporting or ticketing?

Lansweeper Tech Support
Lansweeper Tech Support

Hello there!

We appreciate our customers' interest in custom reports and want to assist them in any way we can. However, due to the growing number of report requests and our limited resources, we are only able to offer limited support in creating custom reports. To help us manage this process, you will need to create a support case for each report request. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter.

If you are interested in building or modifying reports, we recommend: