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Engaged Sweeper
We have attempted to use stock and custom reports to report all computers with an Imprivata IMP-80 Badge/Prox Reader attached and active on them. The problem I am consistently seeing is that LanSweeper uses DeviceID from the Device Instance path, which changes periodically. The actual InstanceID or Hardware ID for these devices is


If I could get the reports to go off of this criteria with the listed HardwareID then I could at least see any machines that have or have had a prox reader attached... but it would be great if i could also use something similar as in Powershell where i can add -PresentOnly so it will only list the ones with a badge/prox reader currently installed.

Does anyone have any experience with Imprivata and these badge readers?

I apologize in advance if this has been covered elsewhere on the forums... I searched and could not locate anything.