I'm new to Lansweeper and I have basic knowledge of SQL.
We are using Lansweeper to track corporate smartphones and SIM cards. We created the Smartphone and SIM card categories and registered a smartphone and a sim card to test, then created relations between the two.
The idea now is to create a report that shows information about the smartphone and, if there is a sim card linked to this smartphone, show the SIM card number. If there is not a SIM card number linked, it shows a blank result.
After a lot of trying and errors, I got a working report:

If I hover the mouse over the AssetName, I can see the information about the asset.

But I can't do the same thing with a SIM card columm. I know the problem is the SQL alias.
There is any way to allow us to see details and click on both columms (AssetName and SIM Card - Both are assets)
Here is the SQL (If you have a better way to do the query, I accept suggestions.):
Select Top 1000000 tblassets.AssetID,
tsysassettypes.AssetTypeIcon10 As icon,
tblassetcustom.Manufacturer As Manufacturer,
tblassetcustom.Model As Model,
tblassetcustom.Custom2 As [IMEI 1],
tblassetcustom.Custom3 As [IMEI 2],
Query2.Displayname As [User],
Query2.Department As Department,
Query2.Title As Title,
Query4.AssetName As [SIM Card]
From tblassets
Inner Join tblassetcustom On tblassets.AssetID = tblassetcustom.AssetID
Inner Join tsysassettypes On tsysassettypes.AssetType = tblassets.Assettype
Inner Join (Select tblAssetUserRelations.Username,
From tblAssetUserRelations) Query1 On Query1.AssetID = tblassets.AssetID
Inner Join (Select tblADusers.Displayname,
From tblADusers) Query2 On Query2.Username = Query1.Username
Inner Join (Select tblAssetRelations.ParentAssetID,
From tblAssetRelations) Query3 On Query3.ParentAssetID = tblassets.AssetID
Inner Join (Select tblassets.AssetID,
From tblassets) Query4 On Query4.AssetID = Query3.ChildAssetID
Where tsysassettypes.AssetTypename = 'Smartphone'