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Lansweeper Alumni

-Update 2017/12/07 16:25 CET: the package was updated to allow the script to run successfully in more environments and prevent package timeout issues. Click the Download Package button to download the latest version.
-Update 2018/04/25: Updated the accompanying report with extra where clauses to prevent Xen and VMware servers from being targeted

DISCLAIMER: The Intel discovery tool has been known to hang on Virtual Machines. As a result running the package on a VM may cause it to hang and end up on a 'Package Timeout' error. Make sure to kill the Intel-SA-00086-console.exe task on these virtual machines.

This installer package runs the Intel-SA-00086 vulnerability detection tool. Make sure to follow the full instructions found in this post to fully view the output. This deployment package will allow you to inventory all computers that are vulnerable, but it will not patch them. Patches are vendor specific and can be found at the bottom of this Intel article.

  • Click Download Package on this page to download the .xml version of the deployment package for import
  • Import the attached .XML file into your Lansweeper installation by going to the Deployment menu and clicking Import.
  • Download the Intel tool.
  • Unzip the tool and move the DiscoveryTool subfolder in its entirety to your package share. The default package share is Program Files (x86)\Lansweeper\Packageshare on your Lansweeper server.
  • Download this script[Post edited to remove broken link]  (Right-click Save As...).
  • Place the vbs file in the Packageshare\DiscoveryTool folder.
  • Go to Deployment tab in the web console, select the Intel-SA-00086 package
  • Click on 'Deploy Now'
  • You can deploy based on a selection of your choosing, we however recommend using the report listed below that will give back all Windows computers with a supported OS that are not Virtual Machines.

To add the report below to Lansweeper, do the following:

1. Open the report builder in the Lansweeper web console under Reports/Create New Report.
2. Paste the SQL query (report) found in the report center at the bottom of the page, replacing the default SQL query.
3. Left-click somewhere in the upper section of the page so the query applies.
4. Give the report a title.
5. Hit the Save & Run button to save the report.

Select Top 1000000 tblAssets.AssetID,
tsysAssetTypes.AssetTypeIcon10 As icon,
From tblAssets
Inner Join tblAssetCustom On tblAssets.AssetID = tblAssetCustom.AssetID
Inner Join tsysAssetTypes On tsysAssetTypes.AssetType = tblAssets.Assettype
Inner Join tblOperatingsystem On
tblAssets.AssetID = tblOperatingsystem.AssetID
Where tsysAssetTypes.AssetTypename = 'Windows' And tblAssetCustom.Model Not Like
'%Virtual%' And tblAssetCustom.Model <> 'HVM domU' And
tblAssetCustom.Model Not Like '%VMware%' And (tblOperatingsystem.Caption Like
'%Windows 10%' Or tblOperatingsystem.Caption Like '%Windows 8%' Or
tblOperatingsystem.Caption Like '%Windows 7%' Or
tblOperatingsystem.Caption Like '%Windows Server 2012%' Or
tblOperatingsystem.Caption Like '%Windows Server 2016%')

Lansweeper Alumni
If you have any feedback or questions regarding this topic, please contact us via support@lansweeper.com.