Install Windows updates
HelloI have a lansweeper server with many networks, How install windows updates with lansweeper?this is possible?thank you
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HelloI have a lansweeper server with many networks, How install windows updates with lansweeper?this is possible?thank you
We are trying to remove Chrome from our environment and I am having a hard time figuring how how lansweeper detects the installation of Chrome per user profile.I have created an msi uninstall package and pushed it out so machine wide installations ar...
Here is a deployment package for eClinicalWorks - Plugin <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Package> <Name>eCW - CLOUD ONLY</Name> <Description>ECW Plugin only - FOR CLOUD SERVERURL="https://<<YOURURL>>
Hello,i need deploy our scripts whitch was working in version 11. But after upgrade to version 12 have this » Preliminary checks failed! Task Service Error. BinaryFormatter serialization and deserialization are disabled within this application.Any so...
HiI am trying to figure out why this specific MSI installs (or uninstall) partially when executed via Lansweeper deployment.When the command is executed on the host, the software is installed correctly (deployment folder permissions were adjusted in ...
Hey,I'm having trouble while trying to update LsAgent. I have a machine with LsAgent installed. The lastest version is available at Program Files (x86)\Lansweeper\Client on the Lansweeper Agent but the installer seams to not be found...
Hello,some scripts deployements with batch or powershell scripts seems not working anymore after upgrade to last version of lansweeper. I can see others in this forum with this issue. Is there any workaround to resolve this issue? thank you! Enrico
Dear Support,I would like to request support. Would it be possible to send a package for machines scanned by LSAGENT?If not, I would like to request this feature. Many of our customers use scanning in this way. And they need this feature.Best regards...