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.NET Framework 4.5.2, 4.6, and 4.6.1 will reach end of life on April 26, 2022. Be sure to check if you're ready or still have devices using older .NET framework versions!

Find the blog and report in the .NET Framework EOL blog post.
1 Comment
Engaged Sweeper
Esben.D wrote:
.NET Framework 4.5.2, 4.6, and 4.6.1 will reach end of life on April 26, 2022. Be sure to check if you're ready or still have devices using older .NET framework versions!

Find the blog and report in the .NET Framework EOL blog post.

The one issue I have with this report is that on my installation it shows .net Frameworks 4.6.2 as being EOL. I have gone over line by line the report and there is only one place where I believe the error could be.
I have pasted it here below

SubQuery1.[.NET Framework Version] As [.NET Framework Version RegKey],
When SubQuery1.[.NET Framework Version] Like '%4.5%' Then '2016-01-12'
When SubQuery1.[.NET Framework Version] Like '%4.6%' Then '2022-04-26'
End As [EOL Date],

Here all .Net Frameworks 4.6 are given the tag EOL date of 2022-04-26
Highlighting is correct, meaning that 4.6.2 are left green and anything older is turned yellow.

How can this be fixed or am I asking for to much ?

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Engaged Sweeper
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