Patch Tuesday Updates

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Blog Articles

Microsoft Patch Tuesday Report - April 2019

The April Patch Tuesday has come so another Patch Tuesday is upon us. This report checks if assets in your network are on the latest Windows monthly roll-up (or security) update released on this patch...


Microsoft Patch Tuesday Report – March 2019

The March Patch Tuesday has come so another Patch Tuesday is upon us. This report checks if assets in your network are on the latest Windows monthly roll-up (or security) update released on this patch...


Patch Tuesday report, last 3 months

Hi guys,I've created a new report since multiple people have asked for a report similar to the Patch Tuesday reports but with more history.The report has a column per month to indicate if the patch fo...


Microsoft Patch Tuesday Report – February 2019

February has come so another Patch Tuesday is upon us. This report checks if assets in your network are on the latest Windows monthly roll-up (or security) update released on this patch Tuesday. If yo...


Microsoft Patch Tuesday Report – January 2019

Hi Everyone,To start, happy new year. Now onto business. Another month, another Patch Tuesday report. This report checks if assets in your network are on the latest Windows monthly roll-up (or securit...


Microsoft Patch Tuesday Report – December 2018

Hi Everyone,A new patch Tuesday has arrived with new updates to the report too! The report checks if assets in your network are on the latest Windows monthly roll-up (or security) update released on t...


Microsoft Monthly Patch Report: November 2018

Hi Everyone,A new patch Tuesday has arrived, and with it a new report which checks if assets in your network are on the latest Windows monthly roll-up update. If you want more information about what i...


Microsoft Monthly Patch Report: October 2018

Hi Everyone,Starting from this month, I'll be publishing a new report every month which checks if assets in your network are on the latest Windows monthly rollup update. If you want more information a...