Is it possible to create a report for System logs (Errors & Warnings) for just 3 Servers? I have an asset group for these servers called Production.
Report Result would have the below columns
Event Date | Log | ServerName | Error Type | Event ID | Log Message
1/1/2017 | System | Server 1 | Error | 36888 | The following fatal alert was generated: 40
12/21/2016 | Application | Server 2 | Warning | 208 | SQL Server Scheduled Job 'ProductionDBs.Subplan
Icons would be fine for Error Types..
Also I would like to filter out 3 Event ID's 1111, 1112, & 1113
I would also like it to only list 14 Days of logs.
I would like this as a report and not the Event Filter Widget.
I would like the report flat with no grouping... if possible
Thank you.