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What are the recommended specifications for running Lansweeper?

What are the recommended specifications for running Lansweeper?

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Lansweeper Tech Support

Our detailed installation requirements can be found in the following knowledgebase article: Lansweeper installation requirements

Below you can find a summary of the system requirements for installing Lansweeper on a Windows computer:

  • InstallationLansweeper On-premises is agentless and only needs to be installed on one computer to scan the entire network. Optional scanning agents (LsPush and LsAgent) are available.
  • Supported Systems: Lansweeper On-premises can scan Linux, Unix, Mac, Windows computers, VMware servers, and other network devices but must be installed on a Windows computer.
  • Architecture: Requires 64-bit, x64 architecture.
  • Virtual or Physical: Can be installed on a virtual or physical computer.
  • Operating System: Compatible with non-Home, non-Core, and non-Starter editions of Windows 10 (21H2 or higher), Windows 11, and various Windows Server versions. A Windows Server OS is recommended for networks with more than 1,000 assets.
  • Disk Space: Requires approximately 1 GB of disk space per 1,000 Windows computers.
  • Database Server: Supports Microsoft SQL LocalDB, SQL Server 2016 (CU11 or higher), SQL Server 2017 (CU18 or higher), SQL Server 2019 (CU2 or higher), and SQL Server 2022. SQL Server 2014 is only supported for Lansweeper versions or earlier.
  • Web Browser: The web interface can be viewed in Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, and Microsoft Edge. The minimum screen resolution is 1280 x 720 pixels.
  • Other Software: Requires .NET Framework 8, Windows Installer 2.0, and possibly Visual C++ 2012 if using an old Lansweeper version with SQL Compact.