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Engaged Sweeper
A number of clients are reported to have "Blank administrator password".
checked one by one, the pc's administrator account has a correct password.
what could be the reason for the message?
Lansweeper Alumni
Thanks, I'm searching already a long time for this problem.
I tink that I will leave this report out for the next version.
Engaged Sweeper
I found this was being populated via the BIOS access password not the OS admin password. I also found that Dell sets the disabled or not configured BIOS setting to 1 when it has not been configured correct starting count for WMI and LENOVO (IBM) sets it to 0 this is not even a count option in the WMI setting ??? If you set the password on a LENOVO it will then report the value as 1 (disabled) go figure??
Engaged Sweeper
And what can we do to get rid of this?

I have reset all the computer passwords to a known one but still this reports that it is a blank password any idea?
Lansweeper Alumni
Lansweeper gets this information from the Win32_ComputerSystem AdminPasswordStatus wmi setting.
more info on this link http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa394102(VS.85).aspx
The lansweeper query finds adminpasswordstatus=0


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