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Champion Sweeper
You have the ability to do a scheduled scan to target specific machines - maybe those that don't have many logons occruing.

However - is there any way to Exclude a machine from scanning...?

Using GP Logon script pretty much means everyone in the scope will run the script. But can we exclude certain machines...?

I have looked into all sorts of queries to run GP side to only apply the policy to certain workstations - but it would be nice to have the ability to just add a computername to the LS Management console of those machines you don't want to scan...

Champion Sweeper
Excellent - I will give that ago.

Any chance of it being included into the GUI in a future release - save using SQL Mgt Studio

Lansweeper Alumni
There is an undocumented table "TsysDonotscan" where you can add the computers that you don't want to be scanned.