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Engaged Sweeper II
I can see where there are some fields where I can fill in for Custom Field 1, CUstom Field 2 etc but I need to have a field that we update for our servers for Business Continuity Level, Recovery Document Location, etc.

Is it possible to add more fields?

I liked that function with Spiceworks but I could grow old trying to get Spiceworks to work with our size of an organization.
Engaged Sweeper III
Well it's a good thing I asked, I'm not too familiar with the in's and out's of SQL but I can write some basic queries.
I've done my reports like that and it's looking great.
Thank you very much for the prompt help and great support!

You do learn something new everday!
Lansweeper Alumni
For this to work you also need to change the code in the aspx update file.

Better would be to keep the fields : Custom1,custom2,... in the database.
And when you make a report you can do a "select custom1 as PCowner,custom2 as someothername from ...."
Engaged Sweeper III
Is it possible to update the backend so that when we run reports we get "PC Owner" instead of "Custom1" etc?

I've tried the following so far.

We edit Custom1 to reflect "Pc Owner" in the "it-extrainfo.aspx" file:

<td align="right" class="lijntje"><strong>PC Owner:&nbsp;</strong></td>
<td class="lijntje"><input name="Custom1" class="in" type="text" id="Custom1" value="<%# dscustom.FieldValue("Custom1", Container) %>" /></td>

Doing the above works great and the web page displays what we want, so now to change the backend.
I've tried replacing the "Custom1" entries in "it-extrainfo.aspx" as follows:

<td align="right" class="lijntje"><strong>PC Owner:&nbsp;</strong></td>
<td class="lijntje"><input name="PcOwner" class="in" type="text" id="PcOwner" value="<%# dscustom.FieldValue("PcOwner", Container) %>" /></td>

and then updating the colums in the database as follows:

From :

[BarCode] [nvarchar](100) NULL,
[Custom1] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[Custom2] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[Custom3] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[Custom4] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

To :

[BarCode] [nvarchar](100) NULL,
[PcOwner] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[Custom2] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[Custom3] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[Custom4] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

Then all looks fine on the web page and in the reports.

The problem comes in when you then try and update any data.
I then get the following error from the website next to the update button :

Column 'Custom1' does not belong to table mytable.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.ArgumentException: Column 'Custom1' does not belong to table mytable.

Are there any other pages that I have to update to reflect the new value for "Custom1" which is now "PcOwner"?
If I am on the wrong track here what should I be doing and where?
It is important for the reports so they can be automated.

Lansweeper Alumni
This would mean manually editing the file "it-extrainfo.aspx" (do so at your own risk)

You are looking for lines like
<td align="right" class="lijntje"><strong>Custom1:&nbsp;</strong></td>
Engaged Sweeper II
Sure, that would work but I would need to refer back to my super secret decoder ring each time I wanted to run a report. If I was just looking up information about a server through the web console it would be completely cryptic wihtout having Custom1 Custom 2 etc being a more descriptive name. If I could just change those names to something descriptive then I would be cookig with Crisco... being able to add even more (visible) custom fields would be even better but I'll take what I can get....
Engaged Sweeper II
Did you mean that I can just put any information into the fields or that it might be possible to change the actual name displayed for Custom 1, Custom 2 etc?

It's great that there are custom fields but if I have a server that has a BUsines Continuity rating of 1 then just having a 1 in something called custom1 is not that informative on a report. I need to be able to put additional information into the db about each piece of equipment primarily information having to do with business continuity and disaster recovery. The only other real information I have to add is Server Support Contact, Application Support Contact.

From what I'm experiencing so far, the performance of this product is great. I did tell it to only scan 1 OU and it did the entire domain anyway but oh well I got to see just how well it performed.... lol But that's for another post....
Lansweeper Alumni
Prodigus wrote:
Did you mean that I can just put any information into the fields or that it might be possible to change the actual name displayed for Custom 1, Custom 2 etc?

When you create a new report you can just change the display name of 'custom1' to 'whateveryoulike'
Just make sure that you always use custom1 for the same type of information.
Engaged Sweeper II
Yes, I'd like to start with just changing the way the names are on the web page and of course be able to still use those fields when creating reports. Additionally, if there is a way to add even more fields then that would be perfect!

But just starting with the 10 that are there would be wonderful
Engaged Sweeper II
or if that's not possible, how would I go about just changing the names that appear for Custom1, Custom2 etc?