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Engaged Sweeper

There are various reports that get me very close to a solution but I can't make it work. Grateful for any assistance...

We add users to a whitelist group - "VPN Group" - that allows them to log onto VPN.

I'd like to run a report to show computers that are used by the user group "VPN Group" that are missing the VPN software.

Against this report, I am going to automatically deploy the VPN software.

Ultimately, adding a user to the "VPN Group" will give them permissions to use the software and then Lapsweeper will install the software on any computers used by those users and are missing the software.

Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee

I am on lunch break but - is there a reason why you wouldn't just deploy the VPN software to any laptop (for example) and just control the use through the whitelist itself?  (i.e. I have the VPN software, but I'm not part of the group, so when I go to sign on, I get access denied when logging on to the vpn server).  That way, you wouldn't also have to develop a plan to uninstall or take action when a user is removed from the whitelist group, or have to deal with users who are part of the group that log in to multiple machines which may or may not qualify for needing the VPN software.