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Engaged Sweeper
I have tried typing the command in several different ways and it is not working. I have
also reviewed the documentation. Can someone help me
with this? The information that I am using is:
Server name: lanw01serv
top of AD and domain name atcorp.afc
port 9524
name of computer attempting to scan tchconsole.afg

The lansweeper server and the computer that I am trying to scan are both on a domain.
Login is typically afg\asamdtp or just asamdtp depending on what you are logging into.
database is lansweeper
Some systems would ping with .afc and some with .atcorp.afc.

If you can please type the exact information based on this information and if there would be
backward slashes for the computer name, for the server name and if each item has to be in
Lansweeper Alumni
I've send you a PM.
Engaged Sweeper
This is not working. I get a message that it is connecting and then it comes back with a message failed. I have verified that the system is on. I have tried more than one system. I am also having trouble getting into the web console. I installed the software on a workstation and on that station I can get into the web console. However, when I install the software on a 2003 server I get a message that I am not authorized to view it. If I add the port 9524 to the command line of ie I do get to a screen that tells me that the service is running and tells me how many systems have been scanned and so far that is only 1. I need to get all of my systems scanned but not sure how to proceed now. Am I supposed to run the command on each and every compter that I am trying to scan or should I be able to get them scanned by issuing a command at the server with each computer name. Or with the premium version is it automatic. I have followed the documentation as closely as I could. Once again this is the premium version.
Lansweeper Alumni
Servername : name of the server where the lansweeper service is installed (most likely "lanw01serv"), make sure that you can ping this name

Computer : name without backlashes

Domain : netbios name of the domain to which this computer belongs (most likely "atcorp")

lstrigger lanw01serv computer1 atcorp


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