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Engaged Sweeper
Good afternoon to LanSweeper.

I'm a Technical Analyst II in the NYC area and my boss has been requested to create Metrics reports. One request is to provide the amount of PCs based on age to determine which and how many PCs are reaching their EOL(end of life). One way, that we have determined to facilitate us, is to find out and use the PCs Manufacture Date. We have search high and low through our LanSweeper system but haven't been successful.

Can someone please provide some kind of guidance on this, if LanSweeper can provide this information.

Only thing close to this date that I have found is the BIOS version date but if a BIOS has been updated, I believe that so has the BIOS date.

Lansweeper Alumni
You can use the bios date or the operating system installed date.


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