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Engaged Sweeper

We are currently running Lansweeper 4.0 on a Windows 2003 server with SQL express 2008. We are planning migrate lansweeper to a newly built Windows 2008R2 with SQL Express 2012. Here is our migration plan
1. Install Lansweeper 5.0 on the new server
2. Migrate the DB from old server to new server
3. Retire old Lansweeper 4.0 server

My questions are
1. Before retiring Lansweeper 4.0 , we will have 4.0 and 5.0 to coexist for a period of time. Can we have two lansweeper instance (4.0 on the old server and 5.0 on the new server) on the network at the same time? We have a premium license installed on 4.0. Can we use the same license on 5.0 during the coexistence period?
2. As for the step 2, any steps we should follow to migrate DB from SQL 2008 to SQL 2012 or should we create a new DB in SQL 2012 and start a fresh new inventory scanning ?

Many Thanks,

Engaged Sweeper
Excellent instruction. Thanks lot for your responding!
Lansweeper Alumni
kungfupanda wrote:
Before retiring Lansweeper 4.0 , we will have 4.0 and 5.0 to coexist for a period of time. Can we have two lansweeper instance (4.0 on the old server and 5.0 on the new server) on the network at the same time? We have a premium license installed on 4.0. Can we use the same license on 5.0 during the coexistence period?

This is not a problem as long as you don't leave the old installation running for an extended period of time.

To migrate, do the following:
- Stop the Lansweeper service on your current setup.
- Take a full backup of your lansweeperdb database using SQL Server Management Studio.
- If you added any custom images to Lansweeper, you may want to copy these files as well. Custom images can be found in Program Files/Lansweeper/Website/actions and Program Files/Lansweeper/Website/userpictures.
- Perform a full installation of Lansweeper on your new setup. Make sure you choose New Installation/Advanced Install and select SQL Server as your database server. Our latest installer can be found here.
- Stop the Lansweeper service on the new server.
- Do a restore of the database backup and overwrite the lansweeperdb database on the new server.
- Execute the below script in SQL Server Management Studio. This will ensure that the SQL user for your Lansweeper database is configured correctly.
use lansweeperdb
drop schema lansweeperuser
drop user lansweeperuser
execute sp_droplogin lansweeperuser
use master
EXEC sp_addlogin 'lansweeperuser', 'mysecretpassword0*', 'lansweeperdb', [English]
use lansweeperdb
EXEC sp_grantdbaccess 'lansweeperuser', 'lansweeperuser'
EXEC sp_addrolemember [db_owner], 'lansweeperuser'

- In your Lansweeper configuration files make sure that the Data Source, User ID and Password correspond with your SQL Server settings. The config files are: Program Files (x86)\Lansweeper\Service\Lansweeperservice.exe.config and Program Files (x86)\Lansweeper\Website\web.config
- Execute the below script in SQL Server Management Studio. Replace “newserver” with the NetBIOS name of your new scanning server.
update tsysasservers set servername='newserver'
update tblassets set scanserver='newserver'

- Copy any custom images from your old setup to your new one and restart the Lansweeper service on your new server. The service will automatically upgrade your 4.2 database to 5.0 when started.
- Make sure the Action Path listed in the Lansweeper web console under Configuration/Website Management/Asset Pages is correct. The Action Path determines where the Lansweeper web console will try to locate your custom action executables.