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Engaged Sweeper

i tested the lansweeper free edition an the result was that wy buyed the pro version.
i thougt that the pro version can handle mor domains.

now i have oure three domains in the lansweeper dashboard, but 1st the lansweeper is unable to load the pc´s from the ad (should be not that problem) but also withe the lsclient exe i get the pc´s just in red with the error:

wmierror, der rpc-server ist nicht verfügbar. (ausnahme von hresult: 0x800706ba) a102 ( \root\default, 27.07.2009 8:55:21

we have more than one domain and every classroom is stored in an extra vlan. i made a rule on our internal router, so that every pc can connect with every protocoll to the lansweeper server (when it is running the rule becomes more secure ^^).

so, what i want to say is, i tested the free version an i liked it.
i had a meeting with my boss and we buyed the programm, and now is nothing running an the lansweeper can´s scann the clients. so waht i have to do now?

the network is running in both sides server --> client, client --> server

i already readet some other posts of this topic, but nothing was the rigth

please help me
Lansweeper Alumni
The RPC server nor available is mostly caused by the windows firewall blocking access (see
In your case it could also be an internal firewall or port filtering on the firewalls/routers.

For your rules : make sure that the lansweeper server can connect to all clients and not the other way around.
The actual scanning is performed by the service.

You could try the connectiontester to check if you can connect to the clients while you make changes.


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