Hi Mike I need a MS True SQl query for desktop
OS (version & edition), ☐ Last scanned date, ☐ Assigned to,☐ Is virtual,☐ Power state (if virtual),☐ Number of Processors and cores (if required) ☐ Environment (if applicable)
Installed software (Desktop)
☐ Computer name, ☐ Software name, version, edition, publisher, ☐ Product type, ☐ Last used date, ☐ Discovery source
☐ Server Name (and naming convention – if possible), ☐ OS, ☐ Last scanned date, ☐ Discovery source, ☐ Server role (environment ex. Prod, Dev, QA, Test, DR, etc.), ☐ Is virtual, ☐ Power state (On or Off), ☐ Number and type of CALs (Get CAL Usage report for RDS CALs if not using Azure AD Domain)
Installed Software Server
☐ Server name, ☐ Software name, Publisher, Version, and Edition, ☐ Product type, ☐ Last used date, ☐ Number and type of CALs (if applicable),
Host Relationship
☐ Host name (physical and/or virtual), ☐ Cluster names from vCenter/Hyper-V, ☐ Number of processors and cores, ☐ Environment (ex. Prod, Dev, QA, Test, DR, etc.), ☐ Power state (On or Off), ☐ Is vMotion used.