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10-04-2021 04:03 PM
Hi all,
One of the major requests from our early Lansweeper Cloud users is the addition of SSO. We’ve been working hard on getting this implemented and we’re close to being able to release it. To give it some final testing, we’d like to invite people to try it out early.
If you are interested in testing please vote on the poll below to apply for the Cloud tester group. Once you’re part of this group, you get access to all current and future early access opportunities.
If you already have taken part in a Cloud test, you can simply go to the testing topic.
0 voters
11-02-2021 09:24 AM
Thanks everyone who signed up, you can get more info on the process in the testing category.
10-08-2021 03:56 PM
SSO is a must have for new SaaS products for our org.
We would be happy to test assuming AAD is supported.
10-11-2021 09:21 AM
All identity providers should be supported to my knowledge.
10-05-2021 07:04 PM
Of course, we want to be a beta!
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