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Engaged Sweeper III
I am unable to add multiple groups using a comma for web access rights. It seems to work with some groups but I have noticed the groups I have with underscores do not work. Running the latest release.
Engaged Sweeper III
Thank you for the assistance.
Lansweeper Alumni
Yes, please note that you should use the format NetBIOS domain name\group name
The user groups the currently logged on user belongs to are also listed in the Windows Groups section of the Configuration/Website Management/Website Access page.
Engaged Sweeper
To get this working. We had to add the Domain first like this Domain\Domain admins, Domain\IT
Engaged Sweeper III
1. Click configuration
2. Click Website access
3. Click in the group members column for each right.
4. Type groupname,groupname
5. hit enter

Group names like domain admin or IT will save together so that multiples can be added but our standard naming convention is xxx_xx_xxxxx for instance. None of these can be grouped with and saved after say domain admin. The result is an error below it saying invalid group name.
Lansweeper Alumni
Could you clarify which steps you are taking and what happens when you try to submit the groups.


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