This page describes installing the Lansweeper IT Agent Discovery on Windows, Linux, and MacOS including requirements and installation instructions.
Lansweeper's IT Agent Discovery is a lightweight, cross-platform scanning agent that can run on Windows, Linux, and Mac computers. IT Agent Discovery automatically collects an inventory from the computer it's installed on, securely sends scanned data to your Lansweeper Site over HTTPS, and can scan computers outside your network and over the internet.
On this page:
Benefits of IT Agent Discovery
IT Agent Discovery offers a range of advantages compared to other scanning agents, including:
- Direct Discovery Results: IT Agent is able to transmit discovery results directly to your Lansweeper Site, eliminating the need for a Lansweeper On-premises scan server.
- Cross-Platform Auto-Updates: IT Agent can automatically update Windows, Linux, and macOS machines, expanding beyond the Windows-only auto-update capability of LsAgent.
- Expanded Device Data: IT Agent gathers comprehensive data on devices, including additional information like user details on macOS. This enriched dataset is mapped within your Lansweeper Site, providing enhanced visibility of your network.
- Silent Installation Across Platforms: IT Agent supports silent deployment on Windows, Linux, and macOS. This empowers administrators to implement the agent seamlessly, minimizing disruptions to end-users. In contrast, LsAgent restricts silent installs to Windows.
- Reduced Vulnerability Risk: IT Agent for Windows, built on .NET 6.0, mitigates vulnerability risks in comparison to LsAgent for Windows.
Is IT Agent Discovery or LsAgent right for me?
While IT Agent Discovery offers many advantages, it may not be the optimal choice for every environment. To determine the right scanning agent for your needs, consider the following questions:
- Do you primarily use Lansweeper Sites to view and manage your assets rather than Lansweeper On-premises?
- Does the computer you want to scan have internet access?
- Does the Windows computer you want to scan run on Windows 7 SP1 or Server 2012 or later?
If you've answered YES to all of these questions, then IT Agent Discovery is right for you.
If you've answered NO to any of these questions, then install LsAgent instead.
Before installing IT Agent Discovery, make sure the requirements below are met.
Connection requirements
The computer running IT Agent Discovery must allow the following outbound connections using TLS 1.2 or higher:
If the computer running IT Agent Discovery requires a proxy server, you can provide the details using a silent installation method.
Supported operating systems
The IT Agent Discovery can be installed on the following operating systems.
- Windows 7 SP1 (with extended security updates installed) and 8.1 (x64)
- Windows 10 1607 or higher (x64)
- Windows 11 22000 or higher (x64)
- Windows Server 2012 or higher (x64)
.deb packages:
- Debian 10 up to penultimate version (x64)
- Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04, 20.04 up to penultimate version (x64)
.rpm packages:
- CentOS Linux 7 (x64)
- CentOS Stream Linux 8 up to penultimate version (x64)
- Fedora 36 up to penultimate version (x64)
- openSUSE 15 up to penultimate version (x64)
- Oracle Linux 7 up to penultimate version (x64)
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 up to penultimate version (x64)
- SUSE Enterprise Linux (SLES) 12 SP2 up to penultimate version (x64)
- macOS 10.15 up to penultimate version (x64)
System requirements
Specifications |
Minimum |
Recommended |
x64, single-core 1 GHz |
x64, dual-core 2 GHz |
2 GB RAM |
8 GB RAN |
Free disk space |
500 MB |
1 GB |
Network speed |
100 Mbps |
1000 Mbps |
Installation paths and logs
By default, IT Agent Discovery will be installed in the following locations:
- Windows:
C:\Program Files\Lansweeper IT Agent Discovery
- Linux:
- macOS:
/Application Support/Lansweeper IT Agent Discovery
By default, logs can be found in the following locations:
- Windows Installer:
C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Temp\installbuilder_installer_00000.log (if the installation was not successful)
- MacOS:
When contacting Lansweeper for troubleshooting, we offered a built-in log collector tool, so we have more info during the analysis of the issue.
Gather the logs on Windows using C:\Program Files\Lansweeper IT Agent Discovery\tools\gatherlogs\gatherlogs.ps1
(using an elevated PowerShell prompt). This will return a .zip file, which you share with our support department.
he default path to check the status of your IT Agent: https://localhost:59530/status/hub or https://localhost:59530/status (as soon as IT Agent is a single file)
Install IT Agent Discovery on Windows
You can also run IT Agent Discovery on Windows computers as a foreground application, included as a logon script. For more information, see
Set up and run IT Agent Portable.
You can use three methods to install the IT Agent Discovery on a Windows computer.
If the computer running IT Agent Discovery requires a proxy server, use a silent install method.
Install IT Agent Discovery on Windows interactively
- Ensure the connection requirements are met and your Windows operating system is supported.
- Open a browser and navigate to https://app.lansweeper.com.
- Choose the Lansweeper Site to which you want to link the IT Agent Discovery.
- Go to Scanning > Discovery systems, then go to Download installers/packages > Download IT Agent installer.
- Run the downloaded installer.
- Select Yes to allow the app to make changes to your device.
- Select I accept the agreement.
- Choose the installation directory and select Next.
- While keeping the installer open, open a browser and navigate to your Lansweeper Site.
- Select Link Discovery system. In the pop-up, select Create new code.
- Choose an expiration date, select Apply and select Copy code.
- Paste the Lansweeper linking code in the installer, then select Next.
- Select Next to begin the installation.
Once the installation is complete, you can view your IT Agent Discovery in your Lansweeper Site by going to Scanning > Discovery systems > All systems. You can view the asset details discovered with your IT Agent Discovery in Inventory > All assets.
Install IT Agent Discovery on Windows silently
Method 1
- Ensure the connection requirements are met, and your Windows operating system is supported.
- In your Lansweeper Site, go to Scanning > Discovery systems, then go to Download installers/packages. Select Download IT Agent installer and Download IT Agent silent installation configuration.
- Select Link Discovery system. In the pop-up, select Create new code.
- Choose an expiration date, select Apply and select Copy code.
- On your Windows computer, open the downloaded lansweeperitagentinstallation.cfg file.
- In the file, replace
with your copied linking code. If the computer requires a proxy server, remove the #
for proxyserver=myproxyserver.domain.local
and proxyport=8080
path=C:\Program Files\Lansweeper IT Agent Discovery
- In an elevated command prompt, enter the following command, replacing
in Lansweeper-IT-agent-discovery-X.X.X
with the version number of your installer:
The version numbers for your installer can be found in your Lansweeper Site. Go to Scanning > Discovery systems > Download installers/packages > IT Agent installer > Version and locate your installer.
Lansweeper-IT-agent-discovery-X.X.X-windows-x64-installer.exe --optionfile lansweeperitagentinstallation.cfg
Once the installation is complete, you can view your IT Agent Discovery in your Lansweeper Site by going to Scanning > Discovery systems > All systems. You can view the asset details discovered with your IT Agent Discovery in Inventory > All assets.
Method 2
- Ensure the connection requirements are met, and your Windows operating system is supported.
- In your Lansweeper Site, go to Scanning > Discovery systems, then go to Download installers/packages > Download IT Agent installer.
- Select Link Discovery system. In the pop-up, select Create new code.
- Choose an expiration date, select Apply and select Copy code.
- Enter the following command in an elevated command prompt, replacing
with the copied linking code. If the computer requires a proxy server, add parameters --proxyserver proxyserveraddress
and --proxyport 8080
. Replace X.X.X
in Lansweeper-IT-agent-discovery-X.X.X
with the version number of your installer
The version numbers for your installer can be found in your Lansweeper Site. Go to Scanning > Discovery systems > Download installers/packages > IT Agent installer > Version and locate your installer.
Lansweeper-IT-agent-discovery-X.X.X-windows-x64-installer.exe --mode unattended --accepteula 1 --path "C:\Program Files\Lansweeper IT Agent Discovery" --cloudtoken cloudtokenvalue
Once the installation is complete, you can view your IT Agent Discovery in your Lansweeper Site by going to Scanning > Discovery systems > All systems. You can view the asset details discovered with your IT Agent Discovery in Inventory > All assets.
Uninstall IT Agent Discovery on Windows
To uninstall the IT Agent Discovery on WIndows, either:
- Open the Start menu, then go to Control Panel > Add or remove programs and locate the Lanseeper IT Agent Discovery. Select Uninstall.
- Open a command prompt and enter:
"C:\Program Files\Lansweeper IT Agent Discovery\uninstall.exe" --mode unattended
Install IT Agent Discovery on Linux
Only silent installs are currently supported for the IT Agent Discovery on Linux.
Install IT Agent Discovery on Linux silently
- Ensure the connection requirements are met, and your Linux operating system is supported.
- Open a browser and navigate to https://app.lansweeper.com.
- Choose the Lansweeper Site to which you want to link the IT Agent Discovery.
- Go to Scanning > Discovery systems, then go to Download installers/packages and navigate to the IT Agent Discovery section.
- Locate the Linux OS and select Download IT Agent repository package for deb or rpm, depending on your Linux distribution.
- Select Link Discovery system. In the pop-up, select Create new code.
- Choose an expiration date, select Apply and select Copy code.
- Depending on your Linux distribution, follow the instructions below, replacing
with the copied linking code:
- Debian and Ubuntu:
- Install the repository package. Copy it to your machine.
These packages are required to update Lansweeper repositories: ca-certificates and openssl.
- In a terminal, enter
sudo dpkg -i ./lansweeper-repository.deb
- Enter
sudo apt update
to make the system aware of the repository.
- If you are not using a proxy, enter
sudo env LINKING_CODE=cloudtokenvalue apt install lansweeper-it-agent
If you are using a proxy, enter sudo env LINKING_CODE=cloudtokenvalue proxyserver=myproxyserver.domain.local proxyport=8080 apt install lansweeper-it-agent
- Once there is an update, update the package by entering
sudo apt update && apt upgrade lansweeper-it-agent
- Red Hat, CentOS, and SUSE:
- Install the repository package. Copy it to your machine.
- In a terminal, enter
sudo yum install ./lansweeper-repository-1-0-x86_64.rpm
- Enter
sudo yum update
to make the system aware of the repository.
- If you are not using a proxy, enter
sudo env LINKING_CODE=cloudtokenvalue yum install lansweeper-it-agent.x86_64
If you are using a proxy, enter sudo env LINKING_CODE=cloudtokenvalue proxyserver=myproxyserver.domain.local proxyport=8080 yum install lansweeper-it-agent.x86_64
- Once there is an update, update the package by entering
sudo yum update && yum upgrade lansweeper-it-agent.x86_64
Once the installation is complete, you can view your IT Agent Discovery in your Lansweeper Site by going to Scanning > Discovery systems > All systems. You can view the asset details discovered with your IT Agent Discovery in Inventory > All assets.
Uninstall IT Agent Discovery on Linux
To uninstall IT Agent Discovery Linux, open your terminal and run the following commands, depending on your environment.
Debian and Ubuntu: sudo dpkg -r lansweeper-it-agent
Red Hat, CentOS, and SUSE: sudo rpm -e lansweeper-it-agent
Install IT Agent Discovery on macOS
There are multiple you can use to install the IT Agent Discovery on a macOS computer.
If the computer running IT Agent Discovery requires a proxy server, use a silent install method.
Install IT Agent Discovery on macOS interactively
- Ensure the connection requirements are met, and your macOS operating system is supported.
- Open a browser and navigate to https://app.lansweeper.com.
- Choose the Lansweeper Site to which you want to link the IT Agent Discovery.
- Go to Scanning > Discovery systems, then go to Download installers/packages and navigate to the IT Agent Discovery section.
- Locate the macOS with DMG format. Select Download IT Agent disk image to download the installer.
- Run the IT Agent Discovery installer on your macOS machine. In the resulting pop-up, double-click the name of the installer, then Next.
If the software is blocked, click the Apple icon in the upper-left corner of your screen. Select System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Open Anyways.
- Select I accept the agreement > Next.
- Select the installation directory. By default, the directory is /Library/Application Support/Lansweeper IT Agent Discovery. Select Next.
- While keeping the installer open, open a browser and navigate to your Lansweeper Site.
- Go to Scanning > Discovery systems and select Link Discovery system. In the pop-up, select Create new code.
- Choose an expiration date, select Apply and select Copy code.
- Paste the Lansweeper linking code in the installer, then select Next.
Once the installation is complete, you can view your IT Agent Discovery in your Lansweeper Site by going to Scanning > Discovery systems > All systems. You can view the asset details discovered with your IT Agent Discovery in Inventory > All assets.
Install IT Agent Discovery on macOS silently
Method 1 - PKG deployment
- Ensure the connection requirements are met, and your macOS operating system is supported.
- Open a browser and navigate to https://app.lansweeper.com.
- Choose the Lansweeper Site to which you want to link the IT Agent Discovery.
- Go to Scanning > Discovery systems, then go to Download installers/packages and navigate to the IT Agent Discovery section.
- Select Download IT Agent package and IT Agent Discovery macOS package silent installation configuration to download both files.
- Go to Scanning > Discovery systems and select Link Discovery system. In the pop-up, select Create new code.
- Choose an expiration date, select Apply and select Copy code.
- In the downloaded IT Agent package silent installation configuration file, replace
with your copied linking code and modify the content to suit your needs. If the computer requires a proxy server, remove the #
for proxyserver=myproxyserver.domain.local
and proxyport=8080
PreinstallConfig="/tmp/LansweeperITAgent-Preinstall.cfg" # Don't change this path!
[ -f $PreinstallConfig ] && chmod 744 $PreinstallConfig
cat > $PreinstallConfig << EOF
path=/Library/Application Support/Lansweeper IT Agent Discovery
chmod 744 $PreinstallConfig
- Enter the following command:
sudo ./tmp/LansweeperPreinstallScript.sh
- Enter the following command, replacing X.X.X in
with the version number of your installer: sudo installer -pkg Lansweeper-IT-agent-discovery-X.X.X-osx-installer.pkg -target /
Note: The version numbers for your installer can be found in your Lansweeper Site. Go to Scanning > Discovery systems > Download installers/packages.
Once the installation is complete, you can view your IT Agent Discovery in your Lansweeper Site by going to Scanning > Discovery systems > All systems. You can view the asset details discovered with your IT Agent Discovery in Inventory > All assets.
Method 2 - DMG Deployment
- Ensure the connection requirements are met and your macOS operating system is supported.
- Open a browser and navigate to https://app.lansweeper.com.
- Choose the Lansweeper Site to which you want to link the IT Agent Discovery.
- Go to Scanning > Discovery systems, then go to Download installers/packages and navigate to the IT Agent Discovery section.
- Select Download IT Agent disk image to download and store the .dmg file on your machine.
- Go to Scanning > Discovery systems and select Link Discovery system. In the pop-up, select Create new code.
- Choose an expiration date, select Apply and select Copy code.
- In an elevated command prompt, enter
hdiutil attach Lansweeper-IT-agent-discovery-0.9.0-16-osx-installer.dmg
to mount the dmg file.
- Enter
cd "/Volumes/Lansweeper IT Agent Discovery"
to navigate to the volume.
- Enter the following command, replacing
with the copied linking code and replacing X.X.X in Lansweeper-IT-agent-discovery-X.X.X-X-osx-installer.dmg
with the version number of your installer. If the computer requires a proxy server, add parameters --proxyserver proxyserveraddress
and --proxyport 8080
sudo Lansweeper-IT-agent-discovery-X.X.X-X-osx-installer.app/Contents/MacOS/installbuilder.sh --mode unattended --accepteula 1 --path "/Library/Application Support/Lansweeper IT Agent Discovery" --cloudtoken cloudtokenvalue
Once the installation is complete, you can view your IT Agent Discovery in your Lansweeper Site by going to Scanning > Discovery systems > All systems. You can view the asset details discovered with your IT Agent Discovery in Inventory > All assets.
Uninstall IT Agent Discovery on macOS
To uninstall IT Agent Discovery on macOS, you can either:
Next steps
Now that you've finished installing IT Agent Discovery, learn how to configure IT Agent Discovery.
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
For a list of answers to frequently asked questions, check out IT Agent Discovery: Frequently Asked Questions.