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Each year, Lansweeper celebrates the work of system administrators as part of our annual IT Hero Awards.

In honour of this year’s 24th annual System Administrator Appreciation Day on Friday 28th July, we invite you to nominate your IT hero(es): People who have reached new heights by harnessing the power of IT management. Maybe they overcame a difficult challenge, or maybe they did something exceptional, or maybe they are just always there to help. Heroes come in many shapes and sizes, so do not be afraid to apply!

The theme for this year is Lansweeper Versatility

  • Highlight the versatility of Lansweeper:  how has Lansweeper helped you minimize risk, reduce costs or increase efficiency?

  • In current climate, reducing costs will surely resonate.. while increasing efficiency appeals to sustainability.

What’s the Prize?

Winners and runner-ups will be announced on the Lansweeper Community and social channels, they will also receive the awards below. We look forward to hearing your stories and successes with Lansweeper!

Discover 2022 IT Heroes


Submissions and voting: 8th June to 15th July

Who should apply: Your are welcome to self -nominate, or nominate a colleague or team

Please fill out this submission form . If you have any issues contact

The deadline to make submissions is 30th June. 15th July

After voting closes one winner and two runners up will be chosen through an internal vote by Lansweeper staff.


  • Lansweeper 2023 IT Hero Awards are only open to Lansweeper customers
  • There is no fee to enter





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