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Engaged Sweeper

We use a Powershell script to install the LsAgent across the enterprise. This works great. It downloads the newest version of the agent and runs it fine. Now we are trying to use the same process to upgrade LsAgent to the newest version Here is the line in our Powershell script that does the work.


Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile $DownloadDestFile; Start-Process -FilePath $DownloadDestFile -ArgumentList "--mode unattended --server --agentkey obscureagentkey" -Wait
Does anyone know if the argument list is different for upgrades? I do not seen any errors in our event logs when the script runs, it just fails to upgrade.
Thank you,
Donny Buckman
Engaged Sweeper

function Download-LansweeperAgent {

$url = ""

$downloadPath = "$env:TEMP\LansweeperAgentInstaller.exe"

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -OutFile $downloadPath

function Install-LansweeperAgent {

$installerPath = "$env:TEMP\LansweeperAgentInstaller.exe"

Start-Process -FilePath $installerPath -ArgumentList "--mode unattended --unattendedmodeui minimalWithDialogs" -Wait



Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee

Hello @DonnyBuckman 

Your LsAgent installs *should* update when you update your Lansweeper installation. If there's a new LsAgent version included with the Lansweeper update, it will be detected, downloaded, installed, and restarted. This updated version will come directly from the scanning server that was recently updated or through the agent relay server. 

So, technically, you shouldn't have to run an update command on your LsAgent installs. But if you have found a bug in this performance, please open a ticket with Support so we can get this resolved. 

Best wishes. 


Tim N.
Lansweeper Employee

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