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UPDATED POST (June 14th, 2023) - Diagrams are out of Preview and now generally available.

Hi everyone!

Lansweeper is pleased to introduce a significant enhancement to our IT Asset Management platform that will give you a fresh perspective on visualizing your IT estate. Today, I’m excited to announce our new diagramming capabilities to our esteemed customers and partners. Now in general availability, Diagrams is designed to offer a new angle and enhanced visualization options for your inventory.

At Lansweeper, we recognize the importance of gaining a comprehensive understanding of your IT assets, and we understand that interpreting the complexities of your IT infrastructure can be challenging. That's why we have developed a robust set of diagramming tools and templates that will allow you to explore your IT estate from a fresh perspective, enabling data-driven decisions and improved technology management.

An experience shaped by your feedback

But first, I would like to take a moment to express our sincere appreciation to the remarkable individuals who have played a vital role in shaping our product over the past months. I am referring to our dedicated testers and Community users, whose invaluable feedback has been instrumental in our journey of continuous improvement.

During the Beta and Preview phase, we had the privilege of receiving insightful feedback from you. We actively listened to your experiences, learned from your suggestions, and eagerly incorporated your insights into our development process. Your dedication and commitment have been truly exceptional.

Thanks to this valuable contribution, we are proud to announce the launch not only of the features previewed last January, but also of a set of enhanced tools that will enable our users to go even further. These diagramming capabilities will hopefully enable you to explore and understand your IT estate more easily and deeply. So thank you all!

Visualize your IT assets with network/virtual topologies

In addition to lists, reports, and dashboards, the diagramming and mapping capabilities in Lansweeper Sites enhance your experience of understanding the state of your inventory and allow you to discover the relations between your assets with dynamically generated diagrams.

Network topologies

See at a glance the different elements of your network and their relationships. Network topologies focus on the components of your computer or telecommunications network, including firewalls, devices, and routers.



Virtual environments

Navigate through the virtual resources available in your inventory, such as hypervisors and virtual machines, reorganized into logical groupings (data centers, clusters, etc.) to help you understand your virtual estate.



Of course, relations!

Let Lansweeper help you understand the connections between your assets with different types of automatically discovered relationships (SNMP, WMI) and those you’ve created manually in your inventory. Get valuable insights on your relationships to better understand the configurations applied to your network.



A set of features to discover

  • With the integrated search, find your assets by their Name, IP address, MAC address, or Asset Type
  • Define the diagram you want using filters, by Asset types, IP address (IP locations, IP range), or State
  • Look at your assets from different angles with preconfigured layouts (Star, Tree)
  • Get an overview of your Orphan assets, for which no relationship has been detected
  • Create relations without leaving your diagram
  • Export your diagram in JPG, PNG or SVG
  • Get insights from your assets (details, issues, running status) and relations (speed, relation type, information port)
  • Explore usability capabilities such as expanding/collapsing groups and personalization
  • And a few more that we let you discover by yourself 😎

Where to start?

It's time for us to share these new capabilities with you. We hope these diagrams will give you a new perspective on your inventory. Check out our new Diagrams section in the Knowledge Base to learn how to master your new tools.

Please note that the diagrams are based on your inventory synched in Lansweeper Sites. Ensure that your installations are properly configured and synchronized so that your diagrams show up-to-date data. Additionally, the necessary SNMP credentials must be added to your installation to facilitate the discovery of relationships between your assets.

Finally, we're all ears! Your feedback is valuable, and we'd love to hear it. Feel free to share in the comments 👀.


Julien Pierrot
Product Manager | Lansweeper
Engaged Sweeper II

Hello.  I'm now working with the network diagrams.   I'm looking for a discussion on interpreting what I'm seeing on the map.  I'm not a network guy - so some of these relations that I'm seeing are not making sense.   i.e.  one building has 4 switches - the diagram is showing 4 direct connections between them (showing ports etc).   Workstations are showing 2 or 3 connections to different workstations.    I have a map set up for each IP range.     Searching the knowledge base for understanding etc diagrams brings me back to the how to...   Thank you.


Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee

Hi John,

I just sent you an email to see if you would like to do a call with Julien.  Julien can assist you with how to interpret the info.  Likewise, this is a great opportunity to give us your thoughts and feedback.



Engaged Sweeper III

similar to the way you display additional meta data for virtual environments, it would be great to create static diagrams with boxes and metadata. maybe even overall a diagram onto a pdf or image (of existing visio), which your live asset objects. we do something similar today with the locations pages on prem.

Engaged Sweeper

What could really bring added value for support is an option to see a diagram per "asset group" and visualize the custom added relations between assets/users in that asset group. Currently we are a bit limited with the single comment field to describe manually created relations between assets/users, so I'm storing data in the comment field in some json format, like
{"type":"data upload","tool":"powershell","protocol":"sftp","owner":"x","process":"y",...}
It would be nice if this comments data would also appear on the relationship description, like:


In the meanwhile I'm working on a way to extract/sync the custom relations from lansweeper to a neo4J graph database. From there we can query/visualize the data as well. 

Hi @_lpl_

Thanks for your feedback! Being able to visualize your asset groups on the diagram is not an available feature. Still, it is an interesting idea that the Product team has placed in its backlog in order to assess its feasibility.

But I'm happy to share that a future update will give you more about your relationships, including the additional information you've applied in the Comments field. These new features will be unveiled in detail at our next 2023 Spring Release (aka "Duvel" launch) event, which I invite you to attend to learn more about them 🙂


Thanks, and enjoy your day!


Julien Pierrot
Product Manager | Lansweeper
Engaged Sweeper

Hi Is it possible to navigate to a diagram from an asset?

Hi @mark-vivantio ,

Diagrams are currently only available in their dedicated section in Lansweeper Cloud, but the idea of integrating them into asset pages has already been shared by a number of users, and is therefore in our backlog.
Every feedback is important. If you'd like to tell us more about your business needs and how diagrams can help you in your daily tasks, feel free to share more in a comment or private message. Thanks a lot!


Julien Pierrot
Product Manager | Lansweeper
Honored Sweeper III

Please add feature to Classic On-Premise Version!

Engaged Sweeper III

Can we create our own diagrams?  We use some environments with local scanning and import the files on the scan server. These IP locations dont show in diagram. Seems like it is not working correctly at the moment.

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