Hi @Lekius,
Thank you for your comments on our network topologies. Indeed, our diagrams help our users to visualize the connections detected (or created manually) between the assets in your inventory. The export functions, meanwhile, enable you to create snapshots to enrich the documentation of your IT estate. The relationships displayed are of several types (details available here), and can be consulted via the asset pages directly (the Network Interfaces table of a switch, for example).
But I understand your need to have an overview of all these relationships, and to be able to export and manipulate them directly. I'm glad to say that we're currently working on giving more visibility to relationships and the possibility of interacting with them. Would you be interested in discussing your requirements with us? If so, I invite you to contact me directly (julien.pierrot@lansweeper.com) so that we can arrange a meeting. Your feedback will enrich the solution we're building to meet your business needs.
Thank you and have a nice day!
Julien Pierrot
Product Manager | Lansweeper