Thanks ejensen! Here's what I came up with; it was simpler than I thought.
This is the action in LS config
{actionpath}SchedReboot.bat {computer}
This is the SchedReboot.bat file
@echo off
set /p sdtime=What time?
ECHO Time entered: %sdtime%
psexec \\%1 at %sdtime% shutdown -r -f
ECHO Press any key to close this window...
This asks for a time to assign to the
sdtime variable, echos back what it now sees as the
sdtime variable, and then uses psexec and builds the AT command with the
sdtime variable on the chosen computer.
I created another one (named SchedShutdown.bat) that's identical except for the "-r" in the shutdown command is "-s" for shutdown instead of reboot.
I just tested it and it works great. I hope others might find this useful. I suppose this same idea could be used to schedule any command to run at a certain time.
Thanks again for your help, ejensen.