Limit Scanning OUs in Google Admin
I need to limit the OUs that are scanned from Google Admin. I have OUs that are inactive.
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I need to limit the OUs that are scanned from Google Admin. I have OUs that are inactive.
Does the cloud platform currently support MFA/Two Factor authentication (either built-in or third-party such as DUO)? If not, is it on the road map with a tentative release date? We would love to use the cloud platform but MFA is a requirement for ex...
Hello,Anyone have any luck getting rid of things like this in emailed ticket replies?
Hi guys,I have one question:- For example some companies don’t want to use local Administrator/Lsagent on the target machine. They want to create specific user in Active directory and to give step by step rules where will can scan all PC in their env...
For Lansweeper, listening to our users is the most important thing . With all the feedback we received in the latest surveys, we have improved the asset data platform. This time, we want to know your opinion about the terminology we use for some conc...
Had a recent issue where I needed to use this quite often so I built it as a tool for our help desk to use going forward. It checks the status of the user's password: cmd.exe /K net user {username} /domain
Hello together,my installation of the Adobe Reader fails every time an I do not know why.See the screenshotOn the PC is no Adobe installedSteps:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><Package> <Name>Install Adobe Reader DE</Name> <Description>Instal...
We're in the process of replacing Mcafee with Trend Micro systems just wondering is there an way to run a report to find the machines where both are running at the same time as this is obviously causing the systems to slow down, likely installed on o...