Hello - I have a custom computer action that schedules a reboot for 2am the following morning. It looks lke this:
cmd.exe /C psexec \\{computer} at 2:00am psshutdown -r -f -c -t 10 /accepteula
This works fine (see below), but I would like to be able to have LS ask me what time to schedule the reboot. I'm sure this would require a script. I can write a script that asks for data (InputBox?), but I don't know how to write a script that would then insert this information as a parameter for the AT command. Do any of you master script writers know how to do this?
See post #7 where, with the assistance of other posters, I was able to come up with a valid way to do this.
See also post #14 where danielm greatly improved upon this, expanding it to include other options for CHKDSK and handling scheduled tasks.