Good Morning Fellow Sweepers!
I have two ideas for sources of information!
Teamviewer is used heavily by businesses all over the globe and is used primarly for support tools as well as a little bit of device management. If there was a direct link between teamviewer and lansweeper this could really bring this product forward! It could not only more accurately gather up times/ online/offline status with live information. But also being able to teamviewer onto a device direct from within the lansweeper inventory would provide a valuable experience for admins . As this would mean from a helpdesk/support view we can find the relevant device and its status with in lansweeper and access it remotely direct.
It can also pull live accurate drive info and leverage teamviewers device health monitoring.
One of the other intergrations would be for Remote application server clients such as Parallels RAS client. If it could some how intergrate to give you a picture of what devices are being used and also be able to pull the standard lansweeper information without having to go and seperately install lansweeper agent (Which isn't wholely reliable in terms of when it syncs! nor its frequency)
Those are just a couple of my ideas!