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Engaged Sweeper

Actuellement nous utilisons des rapport spécifique pour la gestion des vulnérabilité (Exemple rapport BlueKeep Vulnerability )
je voudrais générer un rapport contenant toutes les vulnérabilité des toutes les applications installés qu sont visible par Lansweepper, dans un seul rapport, est ce que c'est possible?


Currently we use specific reports for vulnerability management (Example BlueKeep Vulnerability report)
I would like to generate a report containing all the vulnerabilities of all the installed applications that are visible by Lansweepper, in a single report, is this possible?

Thank you
Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee
We definitely looking at doing more security-wise and improving what we can offer. At the moment, creating one big report for vulnerabilities is theoretically possible, but in practice, this would not be feasible. The best method at the moment is to work with the individual reports as we are.
Champion Sweeper II
Lansweeper doesn't have vulnerability scanning capabilities built in to it. Any reporting it does on vulnerabilities is based off of software version numbers when critical new vulnerabilities hit the news cycle and/or queries against the operating system for Windows based vulnerabilities. It doesn't have the ability to interrogate vulnerabilities like a true vulnerability scanner.

I'm not sure what rules are for linking to other software so I won't list any products, however there is a free, open source vulnerability scanner out there.
RKCar wrote:
Lansweeper doesn't have vulnerability scanning capabilities built in to it. Any reporting it does on vulnerabilities is based off of software version numbers when critical new vulnerabilities hit the news cycle and/or queries against the operating system for Windows based vulnerabilities. It doesn't have the ability to interrogate vulnerabilities like a true vulnerability scanner.

I'm not sure what rules are for linking to other software so I won't list any products, however there is a free, open source vulnerability scanner out there.

"however there is a free, open source vulnerability scanner out there."
do you have some suggestion for me?

i love lansweeper, but also I need a vulnerability single report, or better a page in dashboard.
It will be a security plus for lansweeper for use it in more evironment.

sorry for my english.

Engaged Sweeper

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