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Engaged Sweeper II
Buenas tardes, necesito poder sacar un reporte donde me indique el año del equipamiento para poder sacar la antigüedad de los mismos, esto es posible? Gracias
Honored Sweeper II
I'm working from a Google translation of the question.
Good afternoon, I need to be able to get a report indicating the year of the equipment to be able to take out the age of the same, is this possible? Thank you

LANSweeper automatically retrieves purchase and warranty dates from several equipment manufacturers, storing the result in tblAssetCustom. If you have equipment for which the data isn't automatically retrieved, you can fill it in manually by editing the assets.

If there are too many to manually edit, you could consider using the BIOS date as a less-accurate date from which to calculate ages. Windows BIOS information is recorded in tblBIOS and Linux information should be in tblLinuxBIOS. (My network inventory is Windows-only, so I can't confirm the Linux data.)

Worst case, you could refer to the asset's first-seen date.

Once you determine what you want to use as your start date, DateDiff() can be used to determine the age, e.g.
DateDiff(dd, tblAssetCustom.PurchaseDate, GetDate())/365.25

If you only want to see or work with the year from a date, use the DatePart() function, e.g.
DatePart(yyyy, tblAssetCustom.PurchaseDate)

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