I've been trying to get a report showing below columns (from 3 different custom fields).
When I was using 2 custom fields, it worked. When I tried to input a third one, I failed... I now have double information per custom fields, so instead of having 2 results, I get 3 times the 2 results.[/size]
[EDIT]This part now works, but there's place to code improvement (shorten the code), maybe using different joins? I'm not very familiar with the type of joins..
Columns should look like this :
| Ticket user | Ticket # | Ticket Creator | Creation date | Employee name | Entry Date | Is a replacement? |
These are Custom Fields, their values must be shown in the columns.
Employee Name, Entry Date, Is a replacement?Also, I have no idea on how to filter to show only the Last Month (not the last 30 days).
I can just get the last year and filter from Excel after but I'd like to make it a report by mail or onscreen in the Dashboard.
Anyone can help me figure this out please? Thanks.
Here's my code:Select Top 1000000 htblusers1.name As [Ticket User],
htblticket.ticketid As [Ticket #],
htblusers.name As [Ticket Creator],
htblticket.date As [Creation Date],
htblticketcustomfield.data As [Employee Name],
htblticketcustomfield1.data As [Entry date],
htblticketcustomfield2.data As [Est-ce un remplacement]
From htblhistorytypes
Inner Join htblhistory On htblhistorytypes.typeid = htblhistory.typeid
Inner Join htblticket On htblticket.ticketid = htblhistory.ticketid
Inner Join htblusers On htblusers.userid = htblhistory.userid
Inner Join htblusers htblusers1 On htblticket.fromuserid = htblusers1.userid
And htblhistory.userid != htblusers1.userid
Inner Join htblticketcustomfield On htblticket.ticketid =
Inner Join htblcustomfields On htblcustomfields.fieldid =
Inner Join htblticketcustomfield htblticketcustomfield1
On htblticket.ticketid = htblticketcustomfield1.ticketid
Inner Join htblcustomfields htblcustomfields1 On htblcustomfields1.fieldid =
Inner Join htblticketcustomfield htblticketcustomfield2
On htblticket.ticketid = htblticketcustomfield2.ticketid
Inner Join htblcustomfields htblcustomfields2 On htblcustomfields2.fieldid =
Where htblcustomfields.name = 'First name, Last name' And
htblcustomfields1.name = 'Date d''entrée en vigueur' And
htblcustomfields2.name = 'Est-ce un remplacement?' And
htblhistorytypes.typeid = 31
Order By [Entry date] Desc,
[Est-ce un remplacement]