I've got the following report for listing the battery replacement schedule for our server UPS batteries. The DisplayName column on the web interface is static, is there a way to make it a hyperlink, like other reports have? So I can jump to that UPS from the report page?
SELECT TOP 1000000 tblCustDevices.Displayname,
tblCustDevices.Warrantydate AS [Battery Replacement Due],
WHEN tblCustDevices.Warrantydate < Getdate() + 90
AND tblCustDevices.Warrantydate > Getdate() THEN
'UPS Battery Due Soon'
WHEN tblCustDevices.Warrantydate < Getdate() THEN
WHEN tblCustDevices.Warrantydate > Getdate() THEN
END AS [Battery Status],
FROM tblCustDevices
WHERE tblCustDevices.Displayname LIKE '%1500%'
ORDER BY tblCustDevices.Displayname