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I'd like to make a report of all my Windows PCs and I'd like to have information on the disk containing my c:\ system partition.
I've managed to retrieve the information I need, but for the moment I have duplicates for PCs with several disks.

Here's my SQL:




Select Distinct Top (1000000) tblAssets.AssetID,
    When t4.Win32_Batteryid Is Null Then 'Fixe'
    Else 'Portable'
  End As Type,
  Cast(tblAssetCustom.PurchaseDate As date) As Achat,
  Cast(tblAssetCustom.Warrantydate As date) As Garantie,
  Coalesce(tsysOS.Image, tsysAssetTypes.AssetTypeIcon10) As icon,
  tsysOS.OSname As OS,
  tblAssets.Version As [OS Version],
  tblProcessor.NumberOfCores As '# Cores',
  Cast(Cast(Round(tblAssets.Memory / 1024, 0, 0) As DECIMAL(20,0)) As varchar) +
  ' GB' As 'Memoire',
  Cast(Cast(Round(tblFloppy.Size / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, -1, 0) As DECIMAL(20,0))
  As varchar) + ' GB' As 'Disque',
  SubQuery1.DriveType As 'Disk Type',
    When (tblFloppy.InterfaceType = 'SCSI') Then 'PCIe'
    When (tblFloppy.InterfaceType = 'IDE') Then 'SATA'
    Else tblFloppy.InterfaceType
  End As [Disk Interface],
  tblFloppy.Model As 'Disk Model',
  Stuff((Select ', ' + Cast(t5.Caption As varchar(30))
    From tblVideoController t5
    Where t6.AssetID = t5.AssetID For Xml Path('')), 1, 2,
  '') [Carte graphique],
    When countMonitor.numberMonitors > 0 Then countMonitor.numberMonitors
    Else 0
  End As [# Ecrans],
  Stuff((Select ', ' + Cast(Case
        When t2.MonitorManufacturer = 'ACR' Then 'Acer'
        When t2.MonitorManufacturer = 'ACI' Then 'Asus'
        When t2.MonitorManufacturer = 'BNQ' Then 'BenQ'
        When t2.MonitorManufacturer = 'HWP' Then 'HP'
        When t2.MonitorManufacturer = 'HPN' Then 'HP'
        When t2.MonitorManufacturer = 'LEN' Then 'Lenovo'
        When t2.MonitorManufacturer = 'LGD' Then 'LG'
        When t2.MonitorManufacturer = 'LPL' Then 'LG'
        When t2.MonitorManufacturer = 'GSM' Then 'LG'
        When t2.MonitorManufacturer = 'PHL' Then 'Philips'
        When t2.MonitorManufacturer = 'SEC' Then 'Samsung'
        When t2.MonitorManufacturer = 'IVM' Then 'Iiyama'
        When t2.MonitorManufacturer = 'MAX' Then 'Maxdata'
        When t2.MonitorManufacturer = 'SNY' Then 'Sony'
        When t2.MonitorManufacturer = 'SYN' Then 'Samsung'
        When t2.MonitorManufacturer = 'ENC' Then 'EIZO'
        When t2.MonitorManufacturer = 'HSD' Then 'Hanns.G'
        When t2.MonitorManufacturer = 'VSC' Then 'ViewSonic'
        When t2.MonitorManufacturer = 'NEC' Then 'NEC Technologies'
        When t2.MonitorManufacturer = 'FUS' Then 'Fujitsu Siemens'
        When t2.MonitorManufacturer = 'BOE' Then 'BOE Technology'
        When t2.MonitorManufacturer = 'CMN' Then 'Chi Mei Innolux'
        When t2.MonitorManufacturer = 'AIC' Then 'Neovo'
        When t2.MonitorManufacturer = 'ZDH' Then 'Dahua'
        When t2.MonitorManufacturer Like '%FUJ%' Then 'Fujitsu Siemens'
        When t2.MonitorManufacturer Like '%AOC%' Then 'AOC'
        When t2.MonitorManufacturer Like '%DEL%' Then 'Dell'
        When t2.MonitorManufacturer Like '%SAM%' Then 'Samsung'
        When t2.MonitorManufacturer Like '%Lenovo%' Then 'Lenovo'
        When t2.MonitorManufacturer Like 'AUO' Then 'AU Optronics'
        When t2.MonitorManufacturer Like 'BenQ' Then 'BenQ'
        Else t2.MonitorManufacturer
      End As varchar(15)) From tblMonitor t2
    Where t1.AssetID = t2.AssetID And t2.MonitorModel Not Like '%?%' And
      t2.MonitorModel Not Like '%.%' For Xml Path('')), 1, 2,
  '') [Ecran Marque],
  Stuff((Select ', ' + Cast(t2.MonitorModel As varchar(30)) From tblMonitor t2
    Where t1.AssetID = t2.AssetID And t2.MonitorModel Not Like '%?%' And
      t2.MonitorModel Not Like '%.%' For Xml Path('')), 1, 2,
  '') [Ecran Modele],
  Stuff((Select ', ' + Cast(t2.SerialNumber As varchar(30)) From tblMonitor t2
    Where t1.AssetID = t2.AssetID And t2.MonitorModel Not Like '%?%' And
      t2.MonitorModel Not Like '%.%' For Xml Path('')), 1, 2,
  '') [Ecran N° Serie],
  Stuff((Select ', ' + Cast(t3.Name As varchar(30)) From tblBattery t3
    Where t4.AssetID = t3.AssetID For Xml Path('')), 1, 2, '') Batteries,
From tblAssets
  Inner Join tblAssetCustom On tblAssets.AssetID = tblAssetCustom.AssetID
  Inner Join tblFloppy On tblAssets.AssetID = tblFloppy.AssetID
  Inner Join tblState On tblAssetCustom.State = tblState.State
  Left Join tsysIPLocations On tsysIPLocations.LocationID = tblAssets.LocationID
  Left Join tblMonitor t1 On tblAssets.AssetID = t1.AssetID
  Left Join (Select tblMonitor.AssetID,
      Count(tblMonitor.MonitorID) As numberMonitors
    From tblMonitor
    Where tblMonitor.MonitorModel Not Like '%?%' And
      tblMonitor.MonitorModel Not Like '%.%'
    Group By tblMonitor.AssetID) countMonitor On countMonitor.AssetID =
  Left Join tsysOS On tsysOS.OScode = tblAssets.OScode
  Left Join tblVideoController t6 On tblAssets.AssetID = t6.AssetID
  Left Join tblBattery t4 On tblAssets.AssetID = t4.AssetID
  Inner Join tsysAssetTypes On tsysAssetTypes.AssetType = tblAssets.Assettype
  Left Join tblProcessor On tblAssets.AssetID = tblProcessor.AssetID
  Left Join (Select Top 1000000 tblRegistry.AssetID,
      SubString(tblRegistry.Value, CharIndex('FriendlyName=', tblRegistry.Value)
      + Len('FriendlyName='), CharIndex(';', tblRegistry.Value) -
      CharIndex('FriendlyName=', tblRegistry.Value) - Len('FriendlyName=')) As
      SubString(tblRegistry.Value, CharIndex('MediaType=', tblRegistry.Value) +
      Len('MediaType='), CharIndex('}', tblRegistry.Value) -
      CharIndex('MediaType=', tblRegistry.Value) - Len('MediaType=')) As
    From tblRegistry
    Where tblRegistry.Regkey Like '%System\HDD' And
      tblRegistry.Valuename In ('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8',
      '9')) SubQuery1 On SubQuery1.DriveName = tblFloppy.Model
Where tblAssets.AssetName Not Like '%PDMTASK%' And
  tblAssetCustom.Manufacturer Not Like '%VMware%' And (tsysOS.OSname = 'Win 10'
    Or tsysOS.OSname = 'Win 11') And tblFloppy.Partitions > 1 And
  tblFloppy.InterfaceType <> 'USB'
Order By tblAssets.AssetName



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