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Lansweeper Tech Support
Lansweeper Tech Support

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This page describes how to configure Network Discovery from your Lansweeper Site, and explains how to create and manage agentless discovery actions.

Lansweeper's Network Discovery enables you to discover all IT and OT assets within your network. By utilizing the necessary discovery credentials, Network Discovery gathers all asset details both on the local machine and on remote IT assets.

To learn more about installing Network Discovery, see Install Network Discovery.

You can configure the discovery settings for Network Discovery from within your Lansweeper Site, allowing you to determine what to scan and when the scans should take place.

For more information about the discovery menu, see Discovery configuration.

Create a new Network Discovery action

  1. In your Lansweeper Site, go to Scanning > Discovery actions.
  2. Select Add new action.
  3. In the pop-up, select the Agent-less action type and choose Add action.
  4. Enter a name and description for your action.
  5. Select Target.
  6. In the pop-up, enter a target you want to discover. 
    A target can be an IP range or address, an FQDN, a machine name or a Cloud subscription.
  7. Select Save target.
  8. Select Manage sensors.
  9. In the pop-up, select the sensors that should be used for the discovery.
    When you have an OT and IT sensor located on the same device, you only need to select OT to discover both IT and OT assets. The OT sensor automatically falls back to the IT sensor for any non-OT assets.
  10. Select Close.
  11. Optionally, select Credentials.
    Add credentials to a Network Discovery action to gather even more asset details.
  12. In the pop-up, select a credential to use for the discovery.
  13. Select Close.
  14. Select Create new trigger.
  15. In the pop-up, select a time and date for the trigger, and enter a name.
  16. Select Save trigger.
  17. Select Save and exit.

Manage Network Discovery actions

  1. In your Lansweeper Site, go to Scanning > Discovery actions.
  2. Select the discovery action you want to edit.
  3. In the Agent-less action detail view, manage your targets, sensors, triggers, or credentials.
  4. Select Save and exit.

Create Discovery credentials

Configure credentials for your discovery. Add credentials so the sensors can pick up more details when discovering your assets.

  1. In your Lansweeper Site, go to Scanning > Discovery Credentials > Add new credential.
  2. Enter a display name that identifies the credential.
  3. Choose the vault(s) which should have access to the credential.
    • A vault is on-premise on the hub and stores the encrypted credentials at rest.
    • The vault only shares relevant credentials encrypted in transit with its linked sensors when the discovery action runs.
  4. Choose the types which are valid for this credential. One credential can be reused for multiple purposes, such as a Domain account for Windows and SSH.
  5. Fill in the corresponding credentials parameters.
  6. Select Save and exit.

Create or edit Discovery groups

Discovery groups help manage the operational settings of your discovery systems, like the Network Discovery hubs and sensors, and your IT Agents.

You can manage, for instance, the frequency of updates, auto-update behaviour, and network visibility.

For more information, see Discovery groups.

Configure Network Visibility for Network Discovery

Network visibility allows your sensors to detect assets passively using sensor network interfaces. Enabling visibility will put your interfaces in a promiscuous mode so all broadcasted messages are parsed to identify source and destination MAC and IP addresses.

We recommend leaving this option enabled so you also get details on unknown assets.

  1. In your Lansweeper Site, go to Scanning > Discovery Groups.
  2. Select Default Group. This discovery group manages your Network Discovery hubs and sensors by default.
  3. To enable or disable the network visibility, select the Network visibility toggle.
  4. Select Save and exit.

Configure Auto Update for Network Discovery or IT Agent

  1. In your Lansweeper Site, go to Scanning > Discovery Groups.
  2. Select Default Group. This discovery group manages your Network Discovery hubs and sensors by default.
  3. To pause or resume the auto-updates, select the Pause auto-update toggle.
  4. To choose a schedule for the auto-updates, select the days and the specific time for the updates.
  5. Select Save and exit.
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Last update:
‎11-19-2024 04:09 PM
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