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Lansweeper Tech Support
Lansweeper Tech Support

If you're unable to scan SNMP on Ricoh printers:

  1. Ensure that SNMP is enabled on your printer.
  2. Run Lansweeper's Devicetester and resolve any issues that it discovers.
  3. If Devicetester is unable to access SNMP, set the SNMP version to Version 1 and select Scan device.unable-to-scan-snmp-on-ricoh-printers-1.jpg
  4. If you are able to access SNMP, modify your Lansweeper credentials to only use SNMP version 1. In the web console, go to Scanning > Scanning credentials > Add new credential.
  5. In Type, select SNMP (V1/V2) and deselect Use SNMP (v2). Select Ok.unable-to-scan-snmp-on-ricoh-printers-2.jpg

Run a scan. You should be able to scan SNMP on your Ricoh printer.

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Version history
Last update:
‎06-05-2024 09:18 AM
Updated by: