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After a couple of critical security issues in version 112, Google released version 113 with an additional 15 minor security fixes and minor feature updates. Our audit gives you a complete overview of which Chrome installations are still out of date. You can find the Chrome 113 report here.

Honored Sweeper II

When you use symbols  > ("more") or  < ("less") then Copy button break sql-query.

Honored Sweeper II

You use parsename very originally 👏

Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee

What browser and browser version are you using when the copy button breaks the SQL code?

I tried just now with Chrome, Firefox, and Edge and they all work for me.

Honored Sweeper II

I have retested and there is no issue.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


About the author

Honored Sweeper II
361 789 85

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