Below you can find the changelog of changes made between and
On-premise related changes
- LAN-5671 Fixed: Exchange identification routine (modified in 8.0) fails if Win32_NTDomain returns more than 1 domain controller
- LAN-5652 Added: AWS regions and dlls
- LAN-5645 Fixed: Possible XSS issue, Cross site scripting (XSS) in ASP.NET via ResolveUrl (Other pages than the login and user pages)
- LAN-5157 Fixed: Service start error (stuck at upgradescript250)
- LAN-5089 Fixed: Regression: SNMP scanning character encoding issues (HEX)
- LAN-5082 Fixed: Classic installer internet connection check continues when no internet is available
- LAN-5071 Fixed: SQL LocalDB lansweeperdb collation set to an incorrect (or different from SQL Server) value
- LAN-4960 Fixed: Enterprise Options shows a lack of privileges warning every time it’s browsed to for about 20 seconds
- LAN-4933 Fixed: Duplicate interfaces inserted into tsysInitialNetworkInterfaces
- LAN-4776 Fixed: Service restart -> Cannot configure SSL port: 9524. Failed to listen on prefix ‘https://*:9524/’…
- LAN-4732 Fixed: Service crash due to unhandled exception in 8.0 beta related to SQL Server 2005 and our usage of datetime2
- LAN-4642 Fixed: LocalDB Fresh install failing with Operation aborted
- LAN-4575 Fixed: OS: End of lifetime (no longer supported) report doesn’t include all EOL OS
- LAN-4537 Fixed: Push to cloud - Enterprise configuration: add config button is enabled
- LAN-4249 Fixed: SNMP scanning - Turkish character encoding issues in 7.2 (ok in 7.1)
- LAN-4247 Fixed: SCCM Call canceled - Quota violation error
- LAN-3483 Added: SCCM: Scan history
- LAN-3481 Added: SCCM: Change logging
- LAN-3466 Added: SCCM: Assets menu hover
- LAN-3348 Fixed: Relay connection certificate check still includes Lansweeper Secure Server SHA512
- LAN-2987 Fixed: Custom OID scanning, incorrect value scanned compared to what is shown in devicetester and Paessler
IT Asset Data Platform related changes
- LAN-5666 Fixed: Version feedback pop-up shows wrong string
- LAN-5647 Fixed: UTC possible bug: double date time conversion when pushing to LEC
- LAN-5638 Fixed: Asset Journal Tracker - tsysASServers.Servicelastpolled not converted to UTC
- LAN-5637 Fixed: Asset Journal Tracker - tsysIntuneScanningTarget.Lastscanned not converted to UTC
- LAN-5636 Fixed: Asset Journal Tracker - tsysAWSScanningRegion.Lastscanned not converted to UTC
- LAN-5635 Fixed: Asset Journal Tracker - tblAirWatchUser.LastChanged not converted to UTC
- LAN-5632 Fixed: Asset Journal Tracker - tblMacPartitions.LastChanged not converted to UTC
- LAN-5501 Changed: Service: remove unused Cognito and Auth0 refresh token code
- LAN-5493 Fixed: Target - Unexpected SQS message for mapping
- LAN-5443 Changed: Asset Journal Tracker - Increase cycle speed time and reduce batch size
- LAN-5412 Fixed: LEC is down --> "Object reference not set to an instance of an object
- LAN-5404 Fixed: LCM - Error Credential Mapping added for credential: Entity of type “ScanSchedule” in state “Added” has caused a DbUpdateException.
- LAN-5399 Fixed: Tsysupdate not updated when a scan is triggered in LEC
- LAN-5398 Fixed: Malformed URL in cloud config link
- LAN-5397 Fixed: Scanserver info is not arriving from onPrem
- LAN-5385 Fixed: UTC - Initial push: no conversion to UTC
- LAN-5351 Fixed: Going from Hybrid back to Classic/On-premisses only changes install mode but does not delete cloud link.
- LAN-5343 Fixed: LEC producer - InstallationDataAndScanServerStatusJob An item with the same key has already been added.
- LAN-5340 Fixed: “Learn more” link does not open in new tab
- LAN-5338 Fixed: Classic Installer - cloud link data not updated correctly
- LAN-5337 Fixed: Classic Installer - Deleting the cloud link not working correctly
- LAN-5323 Fixed: LCM - Add/edit credential - Error saving credential: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation
- LAN-5281 Fixed: LEC consumer: Asset radar interfaces message handler: cloudId is not required since it does not exist in LEC
- LAN-5270 Fixed: LecConsumer - Not saving CloudId for SCCM target
- LAN-5257 Fixed: Inventory Sync Settings never loads
- LAN-5255 Fixed: Show clear message when user is prohibited from pushing to LEC (in on prem webconsole)
- LAN-5249 Fixed: When upgrading from a 8.0.130 that is already synced with LEC to a 8.0.160 it is marked as Classic
- LAN-5247 Fixed: Going Hybrid - An error dialog “License Feedback” with message “1” is shown when connecting to cloud
- LAN-5246 Fixed: Going Hybrid - 404 error when clicking the delete icon of the installation
- LAN-5245 Fixed: Going Hybrid - On-premesis option stays selected while I made the connection (Hybrid)
- LAN-5242 Fixed: Linking to cloud returns an error about an invalid GUID
- LAN-5215 Added: ON PREM - Messaging for temporary and expired licenses
- LAN-5213 Added: ON PREM - Hybrid Connection Version Check
- LAN-5211 Added: ON PREM - Hybrid License Check
- LAN-5207 Added: ON PREM - Expired or Invalid token
- LAN-5206 Added: ON PREM - Token Refresh
- LAN-5189 Fixed: Initial push visually stuck at 0%
- LAN-5181 Fixed: Mode Detection - tsysConfig.InstallationMode not updated when you connect your classic installation with LEC
- LAN-5176 Fixed: Mode Detection - Change of installation mode not logged in the service errorlog
- LAN-5175 Fixed: Mode Detection - Wrong installation mode set for a Hybrid installation
- LAN-5173 Fixed: LecConsumer - IpRangeScanningCredentialMapping error “Object reference not set to an instance of an object.”
- LAN-5156 Fixed: LecConsumer - AD Domain target update error “Object reference not set to an instance of an object.”
- LAN-5115 Added: HYBRID - No Site Available
- LAN-5112 Fixed: Service error log: “Must declare the table variable “@tableName”.”
- LAN-5111 Changed: Make sure service stops when QATriggerFail = ScriptsOnly
- LAN-5091 Fixed: LecConsumer - LogLecConsumerMessage log message typo
- LAN-5090 Fixed: LecConsumer - Global credential update error:" Cannot insert the value NULL into column ‘Password’,"
- LAN-5087 Fixed: LecConsumer - ChromeOS credential error: Cannot insert the value NULL into column ‘Password’
- LAN-5083 Fixed: LecConsumer - Workgroup target not deleted, eventhough SQS message is retrieved and ACK is sent to LEC
- LAN-5081 Added: LEC consumer: Licensing - Update a license
- LAN-5080 Added: LEC consumer: Licensing - start and stop syncing
- LAN-5077 Changed: Blacklist update for May release
- LAN-5075 Fixed: LecConsumer - Treat credential SSH Key as password (NULL means unchanged)
- LAN-5066 Added: Mode detection: 03 install log
- LAN-5065 Added: Mode detection: 01 TsysConfig
- LAN-5064 Added: Mode detection: 05 sync to cloud
- LAN-5063 Added: Mode detection: 04 Errorlog.txt
- LAN-5057 Fixed: LEC consumer: cannot delete SQS message: 400 bad request
- LAN-5053 Added: LEC consumer: rescan warranty buttons
- LAN-5050 Changed: Lec consumer: bulk remove credentials
- LAN-5049 Changed: LEC consumer: fix mappings
- LAN-5048 Fixed: Cloud Configuration - GraphQL error “status” is requirered when trying to create installation
- LAN-5046 Fixed: LCM - SqlException trying to update a credential with an already existing name
- LAN-5040 Added: LEC consumer: scan now for all targets manually
- LAN-5032 Fixed: LecConsumer - Office 365/Intune target not shown in website, but exists in db
- LAN-5028 Added: HYBRID - Updating a license key
- LAN-5027 Added: HYBRID - Syncing an on-premise installation License Check
- LAN-5026 Added: HYBRID - Configuring a Hybrid Installation
- LAN-5008 Fixed: LecConsumer - Sometimes nothing gets through to on-prem anymore
- LAN-4995 Fixed: LCM - Proxy settings - proxy auth password field filled when saving after disabling proxy authorization
- LAN-4994 Fixed: LCM - Proxy settings - Disabling the proxy server doesn’t disable proxy authorization
- LAN-4992 Fixed: LCM - Scanserver not shown when the credential was imported with an uppercase letter in its scanserver field
- LAN-4990 Fixed: LCM - Importing an SSHCertificate credential issues
- LAN-4989 Fixed: LCM - Import - Error when you try to import credentials while there are only Global credentials in tsysCredentials
- LAN-4987 Fixed: LCM - Config file - The db connectionstring isn’t encrypted
- LAN-4986 Fixed: LCM - Update ChromeOS Credential - JSON Key is always updated even if it isn’t changed
- LAN-4982 Fixed: LecConsumer - Deleting/updating credentials in LEC not processed in on-prem
- LAN-4978 Fixed: LCM - SSHCertificate - Private SSH Key is readable
- LAN-4977 Fixed: LCM - SSHCertificate - SqlException Error when trying to submit SSHCertificate without passphrase
- LAN-4975 Fixed: LCM - Error handling - Incorrect field name is used when showing an error for the SSHCertificate Login field
- LAN-4974 Fixed: LCM - Error handling - Incorrect field name is used when showing an error for the SNMP Login field
- LAN-4973 Fixed: LCM - SNMPv3 - SqlException Error when trying to submit SNMPv3 without password
- LAN-4972 Fixed: LCM - SNMP v1/v2 credential type and checkboxes not correctly shown when only v1 or v2
- LAN-4971 Fixed: LCM - Tooltip disappears when you click the question mark and you don’t get it back
- LAN-4970 Fixed: LCM - Error Handling - Azure - Cosmetics
- LAN-4969 Fixed: LCM - Error handling - Incorrect field name is used when showing an error for the SCCM Username field
- LAN-4958 Fixed: LEC - Initial push does not implement blacklisted columns, only tables
- LAN-4957 Changed: LEC - Scanning queue exclusion overrule in initial push
- LAN-4914 Changed: LEC - Sensitive database fields that should (not) be synced to cloud
- LAN-4913 Added: LEC - Dump blacklist as JSON via a config setting
- LAN-4909 Fixed: SSH credential with certificate gives error when imported. Import works fine in webconsole
- LAN-4907 Added: LEC - Clear queue
- LAN-4892 Added: LEC - Unsync installations
- LAN-4877 Added: LEC - Exclusions
- LAN-4874 Changed: Add “CreatedOn” to KinesisMetadata
- LAN-4813 Changed: AssetJournalTracker triggers: Performance Improvement for tblQuickEngineeringFix, tblSoftware and tblServices
- LAN-4785 Fixed: UTC - Possible wrong DateTimes
- LAN-4774 Changed: LEC initial push - Retry time change v2 - Skip cycles in job
- LAN-4772 Fixed: PTC multiple scan servers: can’t switch scanning servers
- LAN-4770 Changed: Add a safety to the Lansweeper Service to prevent tblAssetJournal from growing out of control
- LAN-4753 Fixed: LEC - Auth0 authentication tokens should only be refreshed every 30 days
- LAN-4744 Fixed: When an SQS message is received and can’t be handled it retries infinitely
- LAN-4715 Changed: LEC consumer - try/catch all message handlers and create fail ack’s
- LAN-4707 Fixed: Lansweeper Management Tool - Editing credential without changing password - password is set as default credential ***** in all cases and is saved in DB
- LAN-4704 Changed: Blacklist history tables for LEC
- LAN-4697 Changed: Initial push - Start and end message
- LAN-4686 Added: Handle ping messages sent by the Public Broker to SQS
- LAN-4673 Fixed: Lansweeper Management Tool - Credential import “Could not process this file” + partial import + webserver error
- LAN-4668 Added: Send the Scanning Queue Status to LEC to have a live snapshot.
- LAN-4650 Added: Map credentials - Use the mapping functionality (on-prem and LEC) or create directly via a scanning target (LEC only).
- LAN-4498 Fixed: Trimming values on AssetJournalRecord.Object
- LAN-4456 Added: LEC messages: As a user I want to see my scanning targets in LEC synchronised to the scanner
- LAN-4400 Added: As Lansweeper, we want the CredentialManager tool to have the same version number as the Lansweeper installer it is initially included in
- LAN-4362 Added: As a user I want the data that I enter in LEC to be persisted into the on-prem database
- LAN-4340 Change tables without an AI singular PK, e.g. tsysAntivirus: Add ID field (identity)
- LAN-4289 Added: As a user, I want to see password hash errors in CredentialManager if the hashes of my credential passwords no longer match my Encryption.txt file.
- LAN-4282 Added: As a user, I want dates to be consistent and correctly displayed
- LAN-4218 Added: As Lansweeper, we want the code of the new CredentialManager tool to be obfuscated
- LAN-4215 Added: As a user, I want to be able to submit and update my proxy server settings and credentials in the CredentialManager tool
- LAN-4209 Added: As a user, I want to be able to show, insert, delete and update credentials in my on-prem Lansweeper database using the CredentialManager tool