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Engaged Sweeper
Is it possible to obtain a list of all Users that have logged on to a particular PC and also when they logged on to it? (not just the latest logon but all logons).

I know i can do it the other way, get all PC's a particular user has logged on to but i need to know who was logged on to a PC at a certain time.

Thanks in anticipation.
Engaged Sweeper
Well, I managed to do it but ive realised it's not what I wanted.. I need a list of logons on the Computer details page (Actoin Screen), athough having all logons by user will prove useful too.

I think I'll need to pop it on the wishlist for a later version.

Engaged Sweeper
No worries, how easy would it be for me to change the User Details page so that it shows all logons for that user rather than just the latest?
Lansweeper Alumni
Merick1983 wrote:
No worries, how easy would it be for me to change the User Details page so that it shows all logons for that user rather than just the latest?

You're free to give it a try but we don't support it.
Engaged Sweeper
Thanks for that, exactly what I was looking for.

I do have one slight problem though, without specifying a username in the criteria it hangs and crashes internet explorer (im guessing it's trying to provide far too much info).

Is there any way of making a report prompt for certain criteria so that whenever we run it, we can enter a username to search for?
Lansweeper Alumni
Merick1983 wrote:

Is there any way of making a report prompt for certain criteria so that whenever we run it, we can enter a username to search for?

No, this is not possible.
Lansweeper Alumni
try this:

Select tblComputers.Computername, tblComputers.ComputerUnique,
tblComputers.Domain, tblCPlogoninfo.Username, tblCPlogoninfo.Domain,
From tblComputers Inner Join
tblCPlogoninfo On tblComputers.Computername = tblCPlogoninfo.Computername
Order By tblComputers.ComputerUnique, tblCPlogoninfo.logontime Desc


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