So we have a limit of 250 devices, and we are currently at 231 with only about 35 staff!
Of that, counting things like NAS, printers, VMs, and actual computers the list is more like 112.
The rest of the items are just things like people's smartphones which belong to the staff and are not assets at all. They just leech our wifi.
Obviously I'm worried about hitting my cap, so I am wondering a few things.
1) Does an ip address hit automatically get added to the list when it is found?
2) Do smartphones and tablets count against this list?
3) Basically I guess I am wondering if I need to do something about this?
On the other hand, I wonder if I can do something about this anyway? I don't want all that extra clutter. I know I can set them to inactive, but they still show up all over the place, is there something more permanent and complete that I can do, like delete and ignore?