I would love to see lansweeper create a mobile compatable webpage.That way IT staff with blackberries can connect the data in lansweeper no matter where they are in the institution.Dan
First, the printers section should be added to the configuration report. Our primary use of the configuration report is to assist with re-installing windows are restoring user settings. I managed to modify the config report aspx file to include thi...
Hi,It will be very helpful if we could mark the approved software by group of users, because there are software that are not approved for all the users.Thanks,Eyal.
Hi everyone -Simple suggestion for utlity, not a need.I created an extra table with MS languages codes found here -http://support.microsoft.com/kb/221435LanSweeper records these codes in the tblOperatingSystem as OSLanguage, but it's just a number. ...
Hi,This is regarding the TAB "Approved Software" in the Lansweeper Configuration Manager.On the left panel I see " Found Software". On the right panel I can see "Approved Software" It would be nice that "Approved Software" is not visible in the "Foun...
to prevent Lansweeper from trying to scan computers outside of an organization's network, would like to see the ability to limit active scanning to set of user-defined IP ranges.