IP range
I need to disolve an old IP address range and thus need to move all the current pc's on that range. How can I use Lansweeper to show me the name of the computers on a particular range of IP's?many thnaks!Dennis
This board contains archived posts from the retired Lansweeper Forum and Insiders Community.
I need to disolve an old IP address range and thus need to move all the current pc's on that range. How can I use Lansweeper to show me the name of the computers on a particular range of IP's?many thnaks!Dennis
I am trying to figure out how to refresh the information in the scan results or run a new scan It scanned the network fine 1 time after it was installed, but doesn't seem to want to rescan. The console always says Scans: 1. We have uninstalled som...
Everyone!I have just purchased lansweeper professional and have the licence key. When I paste the key in the box I get the error message:-"String or binary data would be truncated"If I paste half of the licence key it validates? But alas my web pag...
Hello,How active scanning discovers workstations or servers already active?We added today a new domain containing 10 servers and Lansweeper scanned only one. What are conditions that allow active scanning to discover such a server? Is it a timeline? ...
I still have several windows 95a and windows 98 PC on my network, is there anyway to scan these with lansweeper? Maybe an older version or older client?
I would like to administer Lansweeper from a workstation using lsmanage.I am the desktop support for our company, and I am the main user of LS. Our network admin can use lsmanage.exe on the server it is installed on but I do not have access to this....
Hello,in our company, we have 4 domains : 2 domains named FR and FRPARIS for production workstation and server and 2 other domains named FR and FRPARIS but for qualification workstation and servers. Production domains are on 2 different VLANs and do ...
An example of what we are seeing with Lansweeper/Windows:computer A is on an external network but vpn's back to our network. The computer registers in windows DNS with an external network ip, which lansweeper then resolves and tries to access for sc...