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Engaged Sweeper

I hope someone can help, as I am a beginner on this.

I have started this service on my windows 2003 server with SQL 2005 installed.

When browsing to <myserver>:9524 all looks good

Congratulations, your lansweeper service is running

In queue: 0

In process: 0

Threads running: 0

Total processed: 0

But what do I need to do next. According to the pdf I need to test and install the LSclient, when I try and run the lsclinet on the server nothing happens.

What could I be doing wrong.

Thanks in advance for any help.
Engaged Sweeper
Aha thanks.
The errors all say:

Wmierror The RPC server is unavailable. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BA)

Actually I have resolved the problem, it was due to the reverse DNS issues mentioned in other posts.

Thanks for your help.
Lansweeper Alumni
The action screen is located in the web interface. (the screen where you can see the actions and the picture of the user)
Engaged Sweeper
On the server I have a management console and a connection tester.
Neither of these seem to have an 'action screen'. Can you be a bit more specific please.

As you can tell this is all very new for me. I am very impressed by the amount of info gathered by the application and the crisp images on the website. Keep up the good work.

Lansweeper Alumni
When you click on the action screen, you should see a red tab with "errors"
Engaged Sweeper
This is the Connection tester result for all 4 test machines which show up as red. I have checked that the DCOm service is running on the end user machines. But still the PC icons show as red.

Ping test OK
Remote registry test OK
Remote WMI access test OK
Remote \\machinename\c$ access test OK

Whereabouts would the errors be generated on the client PC?

Thanks again.

Lansweeper Alumni
Could you post the exact errors from the client machines please.

Also try the connection tester to these machines first
Engaged Sweeper
Thanks, I have now set up the NETLOGON directory to include the short script and the lsclient.exe. I have applied the new logon script to a test user. The management console now contains the test users machine but it is a pink colour.
Does this mean it hasn't been scanned? How to do I make sure it is scanned?

Thanks again for any help.

Lansweeper Alumni
Don't just click on the lsclient, you also need to specify the servername as a parameter.
Engaged Sweeper
You need to copy LSClient.exe to your NETLOGON directory on your domain controller. Should be something like \\dcname\netlogon (substitutde "dcname" with your server's name). Then you need to add to your logon script something like...

%logonserver%\netlogon\lsclient.exe myserver

Of course, substitute "myserver" for the name of the server running your lansweeper service. This will make all your clients check-in with Lansweeper every time they logon. You'll start to see the console fill up with clients and results. If you do not, then you need to run the Connection Tester and see what's going on.


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