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Engaged Sweeper
Hi, is there a way that we can implement a Computer Location field? We currently have about 50 sites all over the world and would realy like to have the possibillty to see in reports and on the overview on the mainpage where the current computer is located and how many of the total computers that are on each site. I've added a table to the database where I've inserted all sites with theyr default gateway and DHCP info and used this info in my own reports but are strongly advertising for getting information on the domain overview to see how many computers that arelocated at each site and to see what site the licensing compliance are over exceeded.

Also is there a possibility to see when a licensed product added on the license compliance was last used to see if there is any licenses that are currently not active in use?
Lansweeper Alumni
For the location I suggest to use the "location" field in active directory or you can base your report on the active directory Organisational unit.

What you want with the licensing is currently not possible.


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