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Engaged Sweeper

To this program to become perfect i need to know if it's possible to add custom fields in each software entry.

Know, we have (for example):

Software - Version - Publisher - Price - Missing

I need to add 2 more fields in each software. ( Type - Context )

We are Microsoft Partners, and we have x licences for internal use, y licences for demo, etc...

Options in the Type field:
- Microsoft;
- Freeware;
- Shareware;
- etc...

Options in the Context field:
- Internal Use;
- Demo;
- Open Licence;
- etc...

And we need a way to separate them from the rest.

Is this possible?

Filipe Teixeira
Lansweeper Alumni
It's not possible by default but it could be done by making custom tables and reprogramming the interface (if you know what you are doing)


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