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Engaged Sweeper
I am trying to create a scheduled task to delete computers and users that havent been seen within the last 30 days.

looked in the tblComputers and found the lastseen field and it looked very simple, but then is there all the other tables where a computer might be present with some references - like tblADComputers.

Found out that if I delete from tblComputers then will it still be in tblADComputers.

So my guestion is - is there an build in feature that clear up after a computer / user after it is deleted somewhere and if yes, which table should I then delete from?

I dont wanna have a lot of old and "unused" data in the database if I can get it away.
Champion Sweeper
The v4 Beta forum is here...
Thanks, Jim Lovejoy __________________________________________________________________________________________________ James W. Lovejoy | IBM - Cloud Managed Services Delivery | Infrastructure Architect (Windows Server ...
Engaged Sweeper III
Any news on beta or new version. I like the idea of a cleanup feature
Lansweeper Alumni
Next version will have auto cleanup features. (beta is scheduled for next week)


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