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Champion Sweeper
Here is a very usefull for me custom action. The script disable computer account in AD and move object computer to a recicling OU. Also delete de computer in lansweeper database and active not-scan state for the computer.

With a few modifications may be usefull for you.

Const DESTOU = "OU=Computers for deleting" 'Destination OU in the computer domain
Const ERR1 = "Use: DisableComputer.vbs <Equipo>" 'Error message
Const ERR2 = "Computer not found, continue ..." 'Error message
Const ERR3 = "Computer not in database" 'Error message
Const CONNECTION = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;server=SQLserver;trusted_connection=yes;database=lansweeper" 'Connection string to lansweeper database

If WScript.Arguments.Length = 0 Then
MsgBox ERR1
End If

'Get root domain name
Set objDomain = GetObject("LDAP://rootDse")
stForest = Left(objDomain.Get("ldapServiceName"), InStr(objDomain.Get("ldapServiceName"), ":") - 1)
Set ObjDomain = Nothing

'Searching for computer in the global catalog
stComputer = WScript.Arguments(0)
strQuery = "<GC://" & stForest & ">;(&(objectClass=Computer)(cn=" & stComputer & "));DistinguishedName;subtree"

Set objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConnection.Provider = "ADsDSOObject"
objConnection.Open "ADSI"

Set objRecordSet = objConnection.Execute(strQuery)
If Not objRecordSet.EOF Then
stDistinguishedName = objRecordSet("DistinguishedName")
stDomain = Mid(stDistinguishedName, InStr(1, stDistinguishedName, "dc", vbTextCompare)) 'building computer domain
stDestOU = "LDAP://" & stForest & "/" & DESTOU & "," & stDomain 'building destination OU
stAdsPath = "LDAP://" & stForest & "/" & stDistinguishedName 'building directory object path
Call ProcessComputerAD(stComputer, stAdsPath, stDestOU) 'domain account process
Call ProcessComputerDB(stComputer) 'database process
R = MsgBox(ERR2 & vbNewLine & ERR4,vbOKCancel + vbQuestion, "Warning!")
If R = vbOK Then
Call ProcessComputerDB(stComputer)
End If
End If
Set objSR = Nothing
Set objConnection = Nothing

Sub ProcessComputerAD(stComputer, stAdsPath, stDestOU)
Set objComputer = GetObject(stAdsPath) 'get computer object
objComputer.AccountDisabled = True 'disabling account
objComputer.SetInfo 'update
Set objComputer = Nothing

Set objDestination = GetObject(stDestOU)
objDestination.MoveHere stAdsPath, vbNullString 'moving to destination OU
Set objDestination = Nothing
End Sub
Sub ProcessComputerDB(stComputer)
Set objDB = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objDB.ConnectionString = CONNECTION
objDB.ConnectionTimeout = 60

'Disabling computer scanning
stQuery = "Insert into TsysDonotscan (Computername) Values ('" & stComputer & "')"
objDB.Execute stQuery

'if exists the computer in database, delete it
stQuery = "Select * From tblComputers Where Computername = '" & stComputer & "'"
Set objRS = objDB.Execute(stQuery)
If Not objRS.EOF Then
stQuery = "Delete From tblComputers Where Computername = '" & stComputer & "'"
objDB.Execute stQuery
MsgBox ERR3
End If

Set objRS = Nothing
Set objDB = Nothing
End Sub

Hello everyone,
Due to the age of this post, it has been archived. Please feel free to start a new post if you wish to continue to discuss this topic.
Thank you for understanding.


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