We have various units from different types (AssetType1, AssetType2, AssetType3). Each of them have multiple units (we have 3 or 4 units of the same type with various S/N).
Each unit have states. They can either be available, in repair, loan, etc.
Is it possible to create a dynamic list or Combo Box, listing the available units (or a specific state) for the selected AssetType?
Unit 1 : available
Unit 2 : available
Unit 3 : in repair
Unit 1 : loan
Unit 2 : available
Unit 3 : in repair
Unit 1 : available
Unit 2 : loan
Unit 3 : loan
1) If is Select AssetType1, the system list the Units with the state "Available" (in that case Unit 1 and Unit 2)
We are changing the state manually in the asset and it works fine with us. We just want to provide extra flexibility to the users that request specific AssetType.
I've search in the system but didn't find anything.