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Engaged Sweeper
Since I am new to SQL in looking at the Lansweeper Configuration Main Screen I see the scanned devices and the column for "location".

This field is somehow editable - but I don't know how to enter a location for each device that has been scanned.

It seems that I should be able to update the field location using the Lansweeper Configuration screen rather than having to go to the Console Manager in SQL.
Lansweeper Alumni
The "Location" field you see in the configuration console under Lansweeper\Scanned Devices is the same one that can be found on individual device webpages.

To change device "Location" information, go to the device's webpage and hit the "Edit device details" button. Make your changes and check the "lock against scanning" checkbox. Then hit the "Save changes" button.
You could also bulk edit this field for several devices by running a script in the Lansweeper configuration console under Lansweeper\Database Scripts.


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